石村達雄 (tatsuoishimura) Translations

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Over 12 years ago Male 70s
Japanese (Native) English French
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

Apple to purportedly use Qualcomm's Snapdragon SoC in low-cost iPhone

Spotted by Japanese blog Macotakara, the China Times report cited an unnamed industry watcher as saying that Apple plans to use Taiwanese chipmaker TSMC's 28nm process to build the cheap iPhone's Snapdragon SoC. If true, the switch away from Samsung's foundries would be a first for the Cupertino company, which has pushed increasingly further into chip design with its latest A6 and A6X processors.

Apple will supposedly continue to manufacture the A-series silicon used in the iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S, as well as the A6 chips from the iPhone 5 and fourth-generation iPad.


アップルは、うわさによれば、低コストiPhoneにクアルコムのSnapdragon SoCを使う予定

日本のブログMacotakaraによって見つけられたのだが、中国時報報道の引用によると、ある匿名の業界ウォッチャーが、アップルは台湾のチップメーカーTSMCの28nmのプロセスを使い、安価iPhoneのSnapdragon SoCをつくる予定だと言ったという。本当であれば、サムスンの製造工場からの切り替えはクパチーノ社にとっては初めてであり、同社はこれまでその最新のA6およびA6Xプロセッサーによるチップ・デザインを、さらにいっそう後押ししてきた。

アップルは、iPhone 5と第四世代iPadのA6チップとともに、iPhone 4とiPhone 4Sで使われているA-シリーズ・シリコンの製造を続けると言われている。

tatsuoishimura English → Japanese ★★★☆☆ 3.0
Original Text

The best pricing we can give you for the 20 units is $360 with free ground shipping to Florida.
If this is agreeable then we will proceed with an auction specifically for you to purchase the items.

Thank you for the email. If you order 5 of the black edition we can offer you $40 off each unit. Once I know what your total order will consist of, I will provide you shipping rates to Florida. If you have any other questions please feel free to email me.

Great, please let us know what date you want us to send the request. Once we have payment we will place the order with Harbinger and then it should be about 10 days to receive your shipment.





tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

Apple and Intel again mulling partnership to build A-series chips

Citing a person familiar with one of the tech giants, Reuters reported that executives have over the past year discussed a possible partnership in which Intel's foundries would be used to manufacture Apple-designed chips. A deal has not yet been reached, the source said.

This is not the first time rumors of an Apple-Intel partnership have cropped up. A report from May 2011 suggested that Intel showed interest in building Apple's A4 and A5 SoCs, though no action was taken and the idea was apparently shelved as the so-called Ultrabook initiative gained momentum.




いわゆるUltrabookイニシアティブの本格化にともない、何らの措置もとられず、またそのアイディアはどうやら見送られたらしいのだが、2011年5月のレポートは、インテルがアップルのA4およびA5 のSoCをつくることに関心を示したと示唆した。

tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

The report also speculates that Intel's replacement for CEO Paul Otellini, who plans to retire in May, may further diversify the company's contract operations in a bid to keep manufacturing facilities working at full capacity.

As for Apple, a move to Intel is easier to imagine, as the Mac lineup already runs on x86 processors. It has also been rumored that the company wants to distance itself from current A-series SoC manufacturer Samsung, with which it is ensnarled in a worldwide patent struggle. The Korean electronics giant is also Apple's biggest competition in the mobile marketplace, with a variety of Android-based devices going jockeying for position against iOS products like the iPhone and iPad.




tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

But what if you need to prepare a presentation for your clients from another country? International business is always though, but with the help of our translators you can easily impress clients with a presentation in their own language. Presenters who engage with their audience well typically become calmer and more composed. Our team of experienced and verified translators is here to ensure you have enough time to focus on rehearsing your speech while they translate your slides.

anydooR Inc. is giving away free translation credit to the first 50 companies that register with Conyac for Business and send an email request with their username to info@any-door.com.

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しかし、別の国の依頼人へのプレゼンテーションを用意する必要があるとしたらどうでしょう? 国際ビジネスは常にタフなものです、でも、弊社の翻訳者の助けで、依頼人自身の言語でのプレゼンテーションを行えば、依頼人に好印象を与えることができます。聞き手とうまくかみ合えば、プレゼンターは、一般的により穏やかにより冷静になれるもの。弊社の経験豊かで実績のある翻訳者のチームが、確実にお客様にスピーチのリハーサルに集中する十分な時間がお持ちになれるよう、スライドの翻訳をお引き受けします。

anydooR社は、Conyac for Businessに名前を登録していただき、info@any-door.comあてにお客様のユーザー名で電子メールのリクエスト送信いただける最初の50社までのお客様に、無料翻訳訳サービスを提供します。

今日、あなたのプレゼンテーションを翻訳しましょう > しかも、無料で!

tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

Conyac for Business PowerPoint file upload - new key to successful presentations
Text file (.txt) and PowerPoint (.pptx) uploads now supported

Presenting ideas, goals and strategies is part of everyday business. Whether you speak in front of formal audiences on a regular basis, or you simply have to make your voice heard in a meeting, you're using presentation skills. Communicating with the management, colleagues and clients is natural in every business environment. We polish our skills on daily basis, as great presenters are not born, but taught.

There are three key factors that make great presentations memorable:
- Suitable visual aid (e.g. PowerPoint presentation)
- Relaxed and confident speech
- Clear message


Conyac for Business PowerPointファイル・アップロード-成功するプレゼンテーションのための新しい鍵


- 適当な視覚教材(例えばPowerPointプレゼンテーション)
- リラックスした自信に満ちたスピーチ
- 明確なメッセージ

tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

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* 商品が到着していない場合は、このメッセージにお答えいただく必要はありません。

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注文番号 102-3695522-5621002


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tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

Meeting those last two requirements seems a tall order to Doug Creutz, an analyst at Cowen & Company who follows online gambling closely. “The Internet isn’t bound geographically,” he said. “There are other problems too, like preventing money laundering. Online gambling is going to be a complex issue that will take a while to sort out.”

In the meantime, though, he notes that games themselves are sometimes changing to incorporate elements akin to gambling. Diablo III, the latest version of the popular roleplaying series from Blizzard, was released last year with an in-game auction house where players could buy and sell loot that they had found. If they chose, they could literally take the profits out of the game.




tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

“What potentially becomes an interesting counterweight is all of a sudden thousands of developers in Silicon Valley making money overseas and wanting to turn their efforts inward and make money in the U.S.”

Betable has set up shop in San Francisco, where 15 studios are now using its back-end platform. “This is the next evolution in games, and kind of ground zero for the developer community,” Mr. Griffin said.
Overseas, online betting is generating an estimated $32 billion in annual revenue — nearly the size of the United States casino market. Juniper Research estimates that betting on mobile devices alone will be a $100 billion worldwide industry by 2017.



海外では、オンライン賭博は、推定で約320億ドルの年間収益を生み出している — ほぼ米国のカジノ市場のサイズに匹敵する。Juniper Researchの見積もりでは、モバイル機器での賭け単独でも、2017年までに1,000億ドルの世界的な産業となるだろうという。

tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

“Everyone is really anticipating this becoming a huge business,” said Chris DeWolfe, a co-founder of the pioneering social site Myspace, who is throwing his energies into a gaming studio with a gambling component backed by, among others, the personal investment funds of Jeff Bezos, Amazon’s founder, and Eric E. Schmidt, Google’s executive chairman.

As companies eagerly wait for the American market to open up, they are introducing betting games in Britain, where Apple has tweaked the iPhone software to accommodate them. Facebook began allowing online gambling for British users last summer with Jackpotjoy, a bingo site; deals with other developers followed in December and this month.




tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

Mark Pincus, the chief executive of Zynga, said the company was just following the market. “There is no question there is great interest from all kinds of people in games of chance, whether it is for real money or virtual rewards,” he said. Zynga, which has missed revenue expectations in the last year, is making gambling a centerpiece of its new strategy. It has just applied to Nevada for a gambling license.

Casual gaming first blossomed on Facebook’s Web site, where players could readily corral friends into their games. It is now being rethought for mobile devices, so people can play in brief snippets as they wait for a bus or a sandwich.


