石村達雄 (tatsuoishimura) Translations

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Over 12 years ago Male 70s
Japanese (Native) English French
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
tatsuoishimura English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Looking to Get Paid or Send Mass Payouts?

We at Payoneer strive to keep up with hundreds of partner application on a daily basis, hence we need to take some automatic measures to identify who is a business looking to send mass payments (Payoneer partner) and who is an individual looking receive funds using a Payoneer account.

Our partner application form states to include a business email address, however the email you registered with mizutani.kamei@gmail.com is a generic address (Gmail / Hotmail / Yahoo / etc.) – hence we classify it as a non-business address.





tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

I think bidding can go upto $ ◯ as I am not sure how much shipping will be and what total cost will be all together, so it is hard to say a price without knowing the shipping.

as another seller I use has just contacted me to say he has now decided to sell his cards and I told him that I was now in progress with the cards I want with someone else,
so he has put them on ebay for $◯ so if the one you bid on is not sucessful, please let me know, so I can bid on the ones now advertised.

but I was just wondering if you have the poster with the black panther round his neck and if so, how much would it be.
I have sent picture, so hope it works.
If not, you can see one on ebay, if you type in POSTERS.





tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

I'm just wondering, have you got this whole set actually at your store ready to be posted? I mean, do you have this resolution box in stock?

I live in New Zealand. Will this camcorder work properly in New Zealand.
I know that our country is a PAL recording format.

I have not heard back from you and would like to add that the finger joint was glued at some point and can be seen. If you won't exchange this item I would like to know soon please, i don't want my money back I would like a figure

Please, You can shipping as gift to declare?
And please, You can shipping declared value of $ 40.00 for me to pay lower taxes here in Brazil?






tatsuoishimura English → Japanese ★★★☆☆ 3.0
Original Text

That's another very kind thought man! But I couldn't take anything from you! Does Bear send you TSCO stuff?

No way man that is crazy. I read about Koba-san and how he started HPI Racing inside an HPI catalogue.
Damn, its a small world :). Definitely is interesting.
Wow! What will the KR racing guy be using the R3R for? You are full of surprises!

Do you have any plans for Christmas/New year Celebrations Oda-san?

I am pretty passionate about a wide variety of things. Maybe too many lol! I was wondering what other interests do you have?
Do you like Music? or Cinema? If you do give me some examples of what you enjoy.

Don't want to spam you but here is a couple of tunes I have listened to while writing this email.



コバさんのことや彼がどうやってHPI Racingを始めたかについて、HPIカタログで読みました。
まったく、狭い世間だな :)。確かに面白い。


ぼくは、いろいろなものにかなり夢中でます。きっと大笑いしすぎているくらいかも! あなたにはほかにどんな興味があるのかなと思っていましたが?
音楽が好き? それとも映画ですか?あなたが楽しんでいるものの例をいくつか教えてくれませんか。


tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

The Stahl short is made for movement and built to endure. The shorts are constructed with military-spec 4-way stretch fabric from the USA and features a Swiss-made Riri tack button, YKK zippers, a durable water repellent finish, and raised rear waistband for coverage while on the bike. All sizes feature a 10'' inseam.

The Zurich soft-shell hoodie combines a 4-way stretch nylon shell with a soft Merino wool lining. The outer-shell layer is constructed using Swiss-made Schoeller®-Dryskin fabric with a durable water repellent treatment. This durable 4-way stretch nylon fabric is engineered to provide breathability and moisture management in addition to wind and water repellency.




tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

How do most products on Amazon get there in the first place?
Simply fed from ecommerce stores using a feed or a staff member
who copies and pastes.
Almost no one is driving traffic to their Amazon listings as they’re
too focused on their own mom-and-pop ecommerce website.
By driving traffic from outside sources to your Amazon product
(instead of your own website), you get two benefits:
1. Higher conversion rate because people TRUST Amazon (and
have their credit card # stored with them)
2. Increased rankings on Amazon = more Amazon buyers will find
YOUR product (2x or more sales from same traffic)
Video, specifically YouTube, is a FANTASTIC, FREE way to drive
great traffic to your Amazon product.


1. 人々がアマゾンを「信頼」している(また、クレジットカード#を記録させる)ため、より高い顧客転換率が得られる。
2. アマゾンにおけるランク付けアップ = さらに多くの買い手が「あなたの」製品を買う(同じ流れの倍かそれ以上の売上高になる)

tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

I was so impressed by the presentation you have presented and the qualifications of inc. I am proud that I am one of the Arabic companies to serve both Japanese and Arabic communities. Hence, I would like to take this opportunity to cooperate with you on a business basis through the idea of Optical(light) Control specially when it comes to Expo 2020, it would be a wonderful concept coming from Japan to the Middle East and the GCC. My team in Dubai headed by Eng. Hussam Amin may give you any further details you may need. Also, I would like to confirm my participation in the 4th Japan-Arab Economic Forum which to be held in Morocco.Kindly visit our website to get to know more about our companies and our bank.


ご提示のプレゼンテーションと御社の能力に、私はとても感動しました。日本およびアラビア地域社会に奉仕するアラビアの会社の1つであることを誇りに思います。そういう次第で、この機会を利用して、とりわけ「エキスポ2020」において、「光学(光)制御」のアイディアを通して、ビジネスベースで御社と協力したいものです。これは、日本から中東と湾岸協力会議(GCC)に入ってくる素晴らしいアイディアとなるでしょう。英国人Hussam Aminの率いる私のドバイのチームが、あなたが必要とすると思われるどのような詳細でもさらにご説明できます。また、モロッコで開催される「第4回日本-アラブ経済フォーラム(4th Japan-Arab Economic Forum)」 に私が参加しますことを確認いたします。どうぞ、私どものウェブサイトを訪問していただき、私どもの各社ならびに銀行についてさらにお知りいただきますようお願いいたします。

tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

The Lanakai Uke Soprano Ukulele features a mahogany top, back, sides and neck, and rosewood fingerboard with glass impregnated PRS nut and saddle. It also comes with cream binding, geared tuners with black buttons. But what really separates this soprano uke from other soprano ukes is Lanakai's TunaUke Technology.

There are many issues that cause poor intonation and Lanakai's Uke Technology solves them all. With this technology Lanakai has achieved over a 90% improvement, helping you overcome all the intonation obstacles and have a ukulele that plays open chords in tune all the way up the neck.

The first is the Compensated Nut: Between the four strings, the differences in string width and tension are substantial.


Lanakai Ukeの ソプラノ・ウクレレは、マホガニーのトップ、バック、サイド、およびネック、ならびにガラスを含浸させたPRSナットおよびサドルを使ったローズウッドの指板が特徴です。また、クリーム・バインディング、黒いボタン付きのギアチューナーを配しています。しかし、本当にこのソプラノ・ウクレレが他のソプラノ・ウクレレと際立って違うのは、LanakaiのTunaUke Technologyです。

多くの問題が粗悪な調音をもたらすのですが、LanakaiのUke Technologyは、その全てを解決してくれます。このテクノロジーで、Lanakaiは90%以上の改善を成し遂げ、全ての調音障害を克服させてくれて、ネックにいたるまで正しいオープン・コードの演奏を可能にしてくれます。

まず、補正ナット(Compensated Nut)です。4弦の間の、ストリング幅と張力の違いは重要です。

tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

The other thing you need to know is that if you let us reproduce it, we would need to send it to our factory and they will keep it
for 1month.They will 3Dscan the cage and panels.Some marking and scratches on the panels are to be expected but I will
inform them to take extra extra precautions.I am not sure if you comfortable with this procedure?

We now have an incredible team and our final product and packing is going to be spectacular.Our fist cage the G1 is
very rough and wasn’t happy with it.I plan to discontinue the G1 as TRC will always strive for PERFECTION!

Please see attached of our new G2 cage
it’s simply AMAZING!

★Yes I would love to have a replica.Are you making the steel cage also or just the body panels?




