鈴木 優貴 (sumotoraimi) Translations

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Over 9 years ago Male 30s
United States
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
sumotoraimi Japanese → English
Original Text

3Sは、『①スイッチを切る、②スイッチ切りヨシ、③ストップヨシ』 を指差呼称しながら行う、災害防止に役立つ異常処置時の重要行動である。
指差呼称は、「指を差す行動」 と 「声を出す行動」のどちらかを確実に行えば意識が集中でき、とっさの行動を抑制することに役立つ。
5ゲン主義とは、現状把握のための ①現場、②現物、③現実 と改善のための ④原理、⑤原則である。


3S is an important and useful action that people use when they deal with abnormal situations to prevent accidents, and people say 『①turning off Switch, ②Switch is turned off, ③it's Stopped』 with pointing at machines.
Calling with pointing can restrain instant actions because people can concentrate their actions if they surely do either "an action of pointing" or "an action of saying."
All members don't have to participate because the activity of QC circle aims "a spirited job place," "development of individuals," and "development of the company."
The policy of 5-gen represents ①genba (the spot), ②genbutsu (the actual article), ③genjitsu (the real), ④genli (the theory), and ⑤gensoku (the general rule) and is used to uderstand what is going on.