2007年にSで開催されたCaosmosは、何らかの痛みを起点として表現活動を展開した作家の、孤独と向きあいながらも逃れようのない自らの苦を引き受け、表現へと昇華させた絵画作品の数々を紹介した展覧会。 美術評論家のMr.Fはこの展覧会の批評記事で、本展のねらいである「感性の直接的な伝わり方」に少なからずの疑問を呈しており、「人間という存在のさびしさとは、イメージと感情が必ずしも合致できないという不可能性にこそ、人間が本質的に抱え込むさびしさがあるのではないか」と論じている。
Caosmos was an exhibition held in 2007 at S, which featured many works from artists who developed their expression from a painful place, who accepted that while they battled loneliness, they would not be able to escape from their own suffering, and created even greater work through this expression. Art critic Mr. F wrote in his review of this exhibition that he had considerable doubts concerning the theme of the exhibition, “How to directly convey sensitivity.” He argued that, “the loneliness of human beings is one that they carry precisely because it is not always possible for them to match up the image of loneliness with the feelings of loneliness.”