sawa (sawada) Translations

ID Unverified
Over 12 years ago
Connecticut USA
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
sawada English → Japanese
Original Text

We usually think of Japan as four five major islands (Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu, and Cat Island) and the smattering of small islands of Okinawa. But in reality, Japan is tons of different islands of all sizes.

Case in point, I recently saw the picture above and was astounded to learn that it’s part of Japan. Say hello to the Japanese island of Aogashima.

Aogashima (“blue island”) is Jurassic Park the setting for “Battle Royale” a tropical, volcanic island in the Phillipine Sea. Despite being over 200 miles away from the country’s capital, Aogashima is governed by Tokyo. In fact, a whole stretch of tropical and sometimes uninhabited islands called the Izu Islands are technically part of Tokyo.





sawada English → Japanese
Original Text

Kim Kyujong and Oh Sehjung?

Kim Kyujong revealed that he has been in contact with Oh Sehjung on SBS 'Strong Heart.'

Kim Kyujong revealed "2 years ago I bumped into her on the streets but didn't get to introduce myself. So I went into her mini homepage but found the post 'I'm sorry I didn't get to introduce myself. Lets grab lunch sometime.' I thought it was directed at me so I sent her an email."

Oh Sehjung replied "It was meant for Kim Kyujong to see." Kim Kyujong added "I received a reply 3 months later. But ever since then we have been regularly contacting each other."
Kim Kyujong added "Even when I see her name on the toilet, I get so nervous" and shocked fans.



キム・キョジュンは、SBS 'Strong Heart' という番組で、オー・セージュンと連絡を取り合っていたことを明かした。

