punpunpun (punpunpun) Translations

ID Unverified
Almost 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) English Chinese (Traditional)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
punpunpun English → Japanese
Original Text

5 Companies With Inbound Marketing Strategies That Work

David Klein is the co-founder of Orange Line, Australia’s leading strategic inbound marketing consultancy. Read more about David and the team on the Orange Line blog. Follow him @davidaklein or on Google+.

Some companies seem to have an innate sense of just what it takes to attract a market. Or, perhaps it only appears that way. For most companies, it’s more likely that they learn through trial and error, research, and testing until they get it right.

The following five companies have each developed inbound marketing strategies that truly work. Here’s what those look like.


David Kleinはオーストラリアのインバウンドマーケティング戦略をリードするコンサルタント会社、Orange Lineの共同創立者。DavidとOrange Lineのチームについての詳細は、Orange Lineのブログを参照。本人はツイッター@davidakleinまたはGoogle+で。

punpunpun English → Japanese
Original Text

The 24Quan site is now offline, replaced with a statement that says, in both Chinese and (for some reason) English:

24Quan's homepage, before it suspended operations today. Click to enlarge.
Due to misalignment of interest and ideology differences between previous shareholders and management team of 24Quan, as producer of 24Quan’s service, and taking into account of the interests of all those whom we loved and cared, our website will enter into a period of “temporary excursion”. As a result, regrettably we will not be able to offer your service in the upcoming few weeks. We hope to resume our service after we resolve our matters with our shareholders.

