Nobu in LA (nobula) Translations

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About 12 years ago
United States
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
nobula English → Japanese
Original Text

Feature phones not dead

Blaast CEO and Co-Founder Joonas Hjelt keynoted at the event, and he highlighted how the Finnish company ventured into Indonesia’s feature phone market, which he says has an almost 80% penetration rate. The huge potential is unfortunately untapped by local players.

To date, Blaast supports more than 2,000 devices, and claim they work better than their rival smartphone platforms by providing data optimization, so that wireless data is reduced to only 10% of of its original size. Unsurprisingly, their target market is mostly young urban people, 13-29 years old, tech savvy, hyper social, and price-sensitive both on data plans and the device itself.



BlaastのCEOであり共同創設者であるJoonas Hjelt氏はこのイベントの基調講演で、どのように彼のフィンランド企業がインドネシアのフィーチャーフォン市場に足を踏み入れたのかを主題に語った。彼によると、フィーチャーフォンは約80%の普及率だという。その大きな可能性は地元のプレイヤーたちには残念ながら開拓されていない。


nobula English → Japanese
Original Text

1. What Founders Wish They Knew Before Starting Companies

The entrepreneurship journey isn’t an easy one — developing a product, scaling a business and growing an audience are intimidating tasks that necessitate endless hustle, ambition and passion. And even if you have all of those qualities in spades, there’s still a good chance your venture will fail.

But one in 12 startups succeed, and these businesses are healthy, growing and maybe even profitable. But that’s not to say there weren’t bumps in the road. We’ve asked some founders for things they wish they knew when they started their companies, in the hopes that it’ll help you and your startup avoid a fatal flaw.

Read the full story here.


1. 創設者たちが会社を起こす前に知っておきたかったこと




nobula English → Japanese
Original Text

PayPal hires Lawrence Chan as VP of Asia Pacific New Ventures and GM of Southeast Asia, India

PayPal has announced today the hiring of Lawrence Chan as the company’s vice president for Asia Pacific New Ventures and general manager for Southeast Asia and India.

Based in Singapore, Lawrence will head the regional business strategy, sales, partnerships, and merchant adoption of PayPal’s payment solutions in the mobile and digital space. He will also lead the expansion of PayPal’s geographical reach.

One of the products he will be pushing is PayPal Here, the company’s mobile credit card reader, now available in Hong Kong, Australia, US, and Canada.


PayPalはLawrence Chan氏をアジア太平洋新規事業の統括責任者、兼、東南アジアとインドの統括マネージャーとして雇い入れる

PayPalは今日、Lawrence Chan氏をアジア太平洋新規事業の統括責任者、兼、東南アジアとインドの統括マネージャーとして雇い入れることを発表した。


彼が推し進めることになる製品の1つが同社のモバイルクレジットカードリーダー、PayPal Hereであり、現在、香港、アーストラリア、アメリカ、カナダで利用可能である。

nobula English → Japanese
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RichMediaAds lets anyone create interactive ads that act like websites-within-websites

Malaysian serial entrepreneur Alvin Koay wants to stand up for the little guy. His first tech venture, MobileApps, strove to help developers rise above the din and get discovered through interactive ads.

Now, with his new startup RichMediaAds, a self-serve ad creation platform, he hopes to enable anyone to make ads that are more clickable than even professionally made ones.

Alvin’s bet is that by turning ads into actionable and interactive mini-websites, advertisers can generate far more bang for their buck while publishers can charge higher rates.



マレーシアの複数の起業経験者、Alvin Koay氏は、弱き者のために立ち上がることを望んでいる。彼の最初のテックベンチャー、MobileAppsは、開発者がインタラクティブ広告によって多勢の中から一段高みに上がり、発見してもらえるようになることを助けようとした。



nobula English → Japanese
Original Text

But all these services have a problem, says Alvin.They’re too specialized for the general public. PULSE Create and Mobdis are targeted at marketers and hence offer more advanced features. Meanwhile, Flite is too costly as it serves top 20 publications.

In essence, RichMediaAds targets what Alvin calls “entry-level advertisers”, which are your restaurants, spas, smaller brands, freelance designers and small agencies. In other words, the DIY creators.

On the publisher side, bloggers and website owners can white-label the solution for free and offer it to advertisers. They can even create ads themselves on behalf of brands, earning more from the creative work.


しかし、これらのサービスすべてに問題がある、とAlvin氏は言う。一般に特化し過ぎているのだ。PULSE CreateとMobdisはマーケティング担当者をターゲットにしているので、より高機能なものを提供している。一方、Fliteは上位20社の出版物を対象にしているので、値段が高すぎる。



nobula English → Japanese
Original Text

First is the rise of mobile devices and the fact that more eyeballs are migrating to smartphones and tablets. Ads created on Alvin’s platform are based on HTML5, which makes it iFriendly. He made an interesting choice of not focusing on native ads at this point — but that’s something he could go into later.

Second is an increasingly boisterous camp that insists that banner ads will be history. These startups — Kiip and Gimmie among them — believe that the future of advertising lies in offering users something tangible, perhaps a reward or coupon, and making it an integrated part of an app experience, mobile games being a good example.



次に、バナー広告が過去のものになると主張する騒がしい輩が増えていることだ。KiipやGimmie などのスタートアップは、広告の未来は、ユーザーに報酬やクーポンなど何か有形なものを与え、それをアプリ体験の一部に統合することだと信じている。モバイルゲームなどが良い例である。