Nobu in LA (nobula) Translations

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Almost 12 years ago
United States
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
nobula English → Japanese
Original Text

Overview of crowdfunding pioneers in Asia-Pacific

Indonesia is perhaps the crowdfunding capital of Asia with two Kickstarter-like websites seeing some initial success in raising money for projects. But as the idea continues to gain awareness across the region, more crowdfunding sites have popped up.

The scene is still very young though, with the largest successful campaign being in the five-figure US dollar range. Will the movement become mainstream or fizzle out? We don’t know at this point, but it’s certainly intriguing to watch it develop.

In this article, we give a rundown of up-and-coming crowdfunding platforms in the Asia-Pacific region.



インドネシアはもしかするとアジアにおけるクラウドファンディングの中心地かもしれません。Kickstarter 系の2つのサイトがプロジェクトへの資金調達に成功し始めています。この地域でその概念への認識が広まるにつれ、より多くのクラウドファンディング・サイトがでてきました。



nobula English → Japanese
Original Text

1) (Indonesia)

This website is a prominent crowdfunding platform for the creative industry in Indonesia. It’s also perhaps the most successful one in Asia so far, going by the number of successful projects it has. This fact is striking considering how Indonesians are tepid about online transactions — ATMs is still their preferred mode of electronic transfer, according to a DailySocial report. The article also mentions that the site’s top campaign so far is the “Atambua 39° Celsius” movie project, which has raised about IDR 311M (USD32,800), thanks in part to the credibility of the film directors. A scan of its front page reveals a lot of initiatives focusing on books, films, architecture and games.


1) (インドネシア)

インドネシアにけるクリエイティブ産業向けの突出したクラウドファンディング・システムです。成功したプロジェクトの数という点では、アジアではおそらく最も成功しているものでしょう。これは、インドネシア人のオンライン取引に対する熱意のなさを考えると、衝撃的な事実です。DailySocialの報告によると、インドネシア人には電信振替の方式としてATMがまだ好まれています。その記事によると、このサイトで今までで最も成功したキャンペーンは「Atambua 39° Celsius」という映画プロジェクトで、映画監督の知名度の助けもあり、3億1100万インドネシアルピア(3万2800USドル) の資金を調達しています。サイトのトップページを見ると、多くの新たな取り組みは本や映画、建築、ゲームに焦点が当てられているのが分かります。

nobula English → Japanese
Original Text

As mentioned during our latest conversation , I would be happy to connect with the ◯ executives in charge of their international development.

As I mentioned to you I have two of my clients who are leaders in their respective countries
In both cases I am advising the owners as to the international brands joining their properties.
As you know I am not a real estate broker but an advisor to the families who control these properties .

If they manage these development from New York, I could meet easily there and as you know I travel regularly in Europe and Asia as well.

I am also attaching a bio so your contact at ◯ have a better idea of my background.


前回お話した時に触れたように、国際開発を担当している ◯ の幹部に喜んで連絡するご用意はあります。



あなたの ◯ における窓口の方が私の経歴が分かるように私の略歴を添付しておきます。

nobula English → Japanese
Original Text

The third theme, self-growth, was scored when a participant mentioned that she had grown or changed in a positive way due to her raising of children. The parenting-is-hard-to-do category was scored if a respondent discussed how difficult it was to raise kids or how much energy it took to be a parent. The following partial quotation was scored for both self-growth and parenting is hard to do: "When (my child) was 11 she came down with many mysterious debilitating symptoms. This was a difficult time that lasted for years. We finally discovered she had Chronic Fatigue Syndrome... Dealing with all the fallout of these (teenage) years was humbling."



nobula English → Japanese
Original Text

I can only afford to refund you £15 via Paypal as a good will gesture. However, i would appreciate it if you can accept the cancellation request which i will send you via eBay.

We can then also exchange positive feedback for each other.

Let me know if this is OK

It cost me a little more than i charged but i hope the brompton does arrive in the condition i sent it. Would appreciate if you can leave some positive feedback when it does arrive. Also, if its not much to ask, can you accept the cancellation request which i will send to you on eBay after the bike arrives and feedback is left. It will save me a bit on the fees. I would be grateful if you can. Cheers


私が友好の意思表示として払い戻すのができるのは、Paypal経由で £15 だけです。また、eBay経由で私があなたに送付するキャンセルリクエストを受け入れてくれるとありがたいです。


