Nobu in LA (nobula) Translations

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Almost 12 years ago
United States
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
nobula English → Japanese
Original Text

About Futurebooks

Futurebooks is Singapore’s and Hong Kong’s most progressive bookkeeping company. Futurebooks offer affordable incorporation, bookkeeping, business planning and brokering, to entrepreneurs with big ambitions. Whether your goal is to be acquired or to be more profitable this quarter, Futurebooks provide planning to keep your business on track and bookkeeping services that streamline the journey.

Using cloud computing solutions like Intuit’s QuickBooks Online, Xero, SaaSu, DropBox, Workflowmax, Vend, and Google Enterprise, Futurebooks are able to offer clients productivity improvements and reductions in the cost of accounting.




IntuitのQuickBooks OnlineやXero、SaaSu、DropBox、Workflowmax、Vend、、Googleエンタープライズ等のクラウド・コンピューティング・ソリューションを使い、Furtherbooksは顧客に生産性の向上と会計費用の削減を提供できる。

nobula English → Japanese
Original Text

New Zopim makes it easier for you to engage your most important customers

Zopim, a Singapore startup that gives businesses the ability to chat live on their website with customers, has launched a new version of their service today.

One of the more prominent new features of this revamp is Triggers, which Zopim describes as a way to “proactively engage your most important customers.”

It works by alerting you when key customers drop by your site. Zopim can track howthey got to your site, perhaps via a Google search on your company or product, a click on an adword, or a blogpost sponsored by you.






nobula English → Japanese
Original Text

After being alerted, you can instantly engage them in a conversation. Triggers can be configured to notify you only after a customer performs a set of actions. Communicating with them has been made easier since you can now do it on the go with Zopim’s new iPhone app.

The service’s analytics has also been beefed up. Besides tracking where customers come from, it can also determine the following:

their motivations (what they search for, which referring URL they came from)
their thought processes (the sequence of pages they looked at)
their interests (the page they look at the longest, the questions they ask)
their background (country they are from, email, so on)
their face (grabbed from public spaces like Gravatar)





nobula English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Hong Kong, Startups, and Bootcamp

Hong Kong, like Singapore, is a city that is a financial hub for many international businesses, but still a small market. Similar to Singapore, it is a place with a growing number of startups and in fact we have covered some of them here.

In an email exchange, Paul Orlando, who runs Startup Bootcamp in Hong Kong tells me that the current Hong Kong startup scene reminds him of New York in 2008. He describes the current Hong Kong tech ecosystem:

People are coming together, there are more events, people are very helpful to others in the tech community. But there is also a lot of work to be done to develop that community.




香港でStartup Bootcampを経営するPaul Orlandoは、メールにて、香港のスタートアップの現状は彼に2008年のニューヨークを思い起こさせるものだと言う。彼は現在の香港のテック業界を取り巻くエコシステムについて次のように述べている。


nobula English → Japanese
Original Text

Apparently, startups in Hong Kong are growing. In fact, reports that the startup scene in Hong Kong is booming/escalating have appeared on CNNGO and Forbes over the last two years. But have things really improved? Orlando says that Hong Kong is losing its edge with minimal tech entrepreneurship happening in the country. He elaborated:

This [lack of tech entrepreneurship] is detrimental to the city’s long-term competitiveness. An antidote to all of this in Hong Kong is currently grassroots entrepreneurship. There is no other bootcamp or accelerator program operating in Hong Kong — even activities by the government do not fit this role.




nobula English → Japanese
Original Text

Overview of crowdfunding pioneers in Asia-Pacific

Indonesia is perhaps the crowdfunding capital of Asia with two Kickstarter-like websites seeing some initial success in raising money for projects. But as the idea continues to gain awareness across the region, more crowdfunding sites have popped up.

The scene is still very young though, with the largest successful campaign being in the five-figure US dollar range. Will the movement become mainstream or fizzle out? We don’t know at this point, but it’s certainly intriguing to watch it develop.

In this article, we give a rundown of up-and-coming crowdfunding platforms in the Asia-Pacific region.



インドネシアはもしかするとアジアにおけるクラウドファンディングの中心地かもしれません。Kickstarter 系の2つのサイトがプロジェクトへの資金調達に成功し始めています。この地域でその概念への認識が広まるにつれ、より多くのクラウドファンディング・サイトがでてきました。

