Nobu in LA (nobula) Translations

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Almost 12 years ago
United States
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
nobula English → Japanese
Original Text

You can identify your indirect competitors by going broad and listing the companies with the same market as yours. When I started, I didn’t think of competing directly with Threadless but more on to the communities of designers in Indonesia. If I want to lure them in, I need to ‘steal’ their time on other similar designer community sites, which is why I stole my first members from the Indonesian community at Deviant Art and also from other similar sites. On retail, I’m competing with other t-shirt distros, directly with the ones upholding a nationalistic theme but indirectly with the general population of t-shirt distros targeting the age of 24-32.


大きな視野を持ち、同じ市場にいる企業に耳を傾けることで、間接的な競争相手を認識できる。私が、gantibaju.comを始めたとき、直接的な競争相手はThreadlessではなく、むしろインドネシアのデザイナーのコミュニティだと思っていた。彼らを誘い込みたいなら、類似のデザイナーコミュニティサイトでの彼らの時間を「盗む」必要があり、それが、Deviant Artのインドネシアのコミュニティや、他の同類のサイトから、私が最初のメンバー達を誘い込んだ理由である。小売業では、私の競争相手は他のTシャツ販売業者と競争であり、直接的にはナショナリズムをテーマにかかげた販売業者が、間接的には24~32歳をターゲットにした一般的なTシャツ販売業者が競争相手である。

nobula English → Japanese
Original Text

PS: This is my last post as a weekly columnist. I just wanted to say that I love writing here but my business is keeping me super busy. I’ve decided to concentrate all my resources for my new company, it has gained quite an interesting traction and I definitely don’t want to mess it up. It’s been fun writing for DailySocial and I’ve learnt a lot from my research and comments. This is not a goodbye, I may write again in the future when I have more time to spare. Will continue to write in, just don’t expect weekly updates. Ok then, that’s all I have to say for now. I’ll see you when I see you!



nobula English → Japanese
Original Text

Made by the folks at Thailand-based social analystics firm ZocialInc, it’s concocted using data from its ZocialRank system. The infographic shows that Thailand has the greatest number of high-ranking brands on social media (86 brands), and that the most liked/followed brand in the region is the Bali-based clothing retailer Surfer Girl, which is apparently living up to its claim of being a fun brand. It’s also got some killer social skills. Global brands in the top 10 include motorbike-maker Yamaha, AirAsia, BlackBerry, Nescafé, and Starbucks.

For more fun graphics like this one, check out previous entries in our infographic series.


これは、タイを拠点にするソーシャル分析会社ZocialIncが、同社のZocialRankシステムからのデータを使って作ったものである。このインフォグラフィックによると、タイが、ソーシャルメディアでの上位ランキング・ブランドを最も多く抱えている国であり(86ブランド)、この地域で最もいいね!が多くフォロワーが多いブランドは、バリを拠点とする衣料品小売業者のSuper Girlである。同社の、楽しいブランド、というコンセプトに応えているようだ。優れたソーシャル能力をもつ企業もランクインしている。トップ10には国際ブランドであるバイクメーカーのヤマハ、AirAsia、BlackBerry、ネスカフェ、スターバックスがランクインしている。


nobula English → Japanese
Original Text

We are currently uploading upwards of 20 new videos a week, and we can only expect this rate to increase as we welcome new users and scale the business. We focus on featuring timely and relevant videos, often dealing with current events and pop culture. This is core to our belief in offering engaging and stimulating content for the learner. This does, however, inevitably cause some content to eventually fall out of date. Yet as long as we are satisfying our users’ demand for new videos, we don’t see this as a problem, and the vast majority of our users enjoy having a rich backlog of videos to explore.

