Nobu in LA (nobula) Translations

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Almost 12 years ago
United States
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
nobula English → Japanese
Original Text

Weiyuyin could help users make friends with strangers to an extent. It’s obvious that vivid sound effects make interaction between friends more absorbing. But to strangers, its vocal messages can break the ice and melt down the tension. And, with Tencent Weixin’s Open Platform launched in May 2012, an increasing number of plugins or services can be integrated in Weixin such as very popular application Changba (sharing your karaoke songs with friends on Weixin). With these third-party service installed into Weixin, users can play games, record songs, and do anything you could on the mobile phone.


Weiyuyinはユーザーが見知らぬ人と友達になる手助けにもなりうる。生き生きとしたサウンド効果は明らかに友達同士の交流をより楽しいものにする。しかし、他人に対しては、その音声メッセージが場を和やかにし緊張をほぐすことが可能だ。Tencent Weixinのオープンプラットフォームが2012年の5月にローンチされ、大人気のアプリケーションChangba(Weixin上で友達とカラオケソングを共有する)などのChangbaWeixinに統合できるプラグインやサービスの数が増加している。それらWeixinにインストールされたサードパーティのサービスを利用して、ユーザーはゲームをしたり、音楽を録音したり、携帯電話上で可能なことは何でもできる。

nobula English → Japanese
Original Text

The motivation for locals to use Meetrip can be many things, including interacting with travelers from distant places, speaking/practicing foreign languages, or explaining a special place in your area to travelers. These are the initial reasons why locals begin using the app; but with time, Meetrip can become a significant source of income for them. For this reason, the team is focused on bringing their travel product to Asian countries first. Meetrip can be used in Tokyo and Taipei for now, but there are plans to expand to Seoul, Jakarta, and Bangkok within the next few months. The startup’s goal is to release Meetrip in more than 10 countries cities this year.



nobula English → Japanese
Original Text

In 2011, the male to female ratio using Alipay mobile payment was 56 to 44. He explains that the initial user wave was techies but in 2012, the male to female ratio reversed to 46 to 54. There are now more females using Alipay, and Xu believes that e-commerce has gone mainstream and is slowly becoming a norm.

Xu also released figures stating that many mothers use Alipay at around 3am. Xu explains that they usually checkout baby-related items such as milk powder and diapers. So a reasonable explanation is that they stayed away to take care of crying babies. And shopping via mobile phone is a common activity for them to pass time while taking care of babies.




nobula English → Japanese
Original Text

Zhou commented (translations are mine):

Search engines should be an open platform, where distributions are spread across to many other sites. […] Search engines should not just contain data and fail to put it to better use.

Zhou also reflected that there are plenty of high quality vertical searches out in the market that no one gives a damn about. He is open to the idea of working with smaller web companies, so as to give its users a more professional set of search results. Earlier this week, 360 Search focused on its users’ experience with the launch of the “like Project” allowing social search recommendations – like with Google and G+ – in its own 360 Browser for Windows.




Zhou氏は、市場には誰も気を留めない数多くの質の高い垂直検索が存在していることにも考えを向けた。Zhou氏は、より専門的な検索結果をユーザーに提供するため、小規模なウエブ企業と共に作業することも考えている。今週初め、360 Searchは、Win版360ブラウザ用の、GoogleのG+に似たソーシャル検索を推薦できる「like Project(いいねプロジェクト)」のローンチにおいて、ユーザーイクスペリエンスに焦点を当てていた。

nobula English → Japanese
Original Text

・Where does the greatest opportunity lie in China’s consumer market?
・What are the most effective online channels to effectively reach them?
・How have leading companies and agencies been most successful? Where have they failed?
・How can I measure results, in turn making the case for additional investments?

Let’s take a quick look at a few facts:

・At the end of 2011, China had 500+ million internet users, 325 million online video users, 250 million microbloggers, and 244 million social media site users. Chinese internet users are relatively young (mostly under 30) and the most active online video users in particular are both young (19–24) with a middle-class income.





nobula English → Japanese
Original Text

Marketers need to pay attention to the quality of the interaction when evaluating campaign progress. Results must be quantifiable, but high participation numbers can be misleading since spam on Chinese social media, especially on microblogs is commonplace. In addition, related to the quality of interactions, there is a trend in China’s social media space in which topic/thought leaders are few, while the majority of users are silent. Therefore, marketers need to examine the quality of their participants, to determine how influential they really are. If you are interested in finding out additional information about the report, you can learn more here [1].

