Nobu in LA (nobula) Translations

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About 12 years ago
United States
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
nobula English → Japanese
Original Text

Baidu Renames Music Service on the Day Google China Kills Its Own

Well, this is weird timing: the corpse of Google Music for China, which was shut by Google earlier today, is not even cold, and rival Baidu (NASDAQ:BIDU) has already jumped on the name, changing its own “Baidu Ting” service to the name “Baidu Music”.

Actually, that’s quite unfair, as Baidu has been slowly rebranding it Baidu Music for the past few months, as seen in its mobile apps. “Ting” means “listen” in Chinese, and seemed like a good name, bit apparently Baidu prefers the more obvious name. And so today – with not a very delicate sense of timing – the music website has changed its moniker.



これは妙なタイミングである。今日早くにGoogleによって中止された中国向けのGoogle Musicの亡き骸がまだ冷たくなる前に、ライバルBaidu(NASDAQ:BIDU)がすでにその名称を乗っ取り、同社サービス名を「Baidu Ting」から「Baidu Music」へ変更した。

実のところ、この言い方は公平ではなく、Baiduはここ数か月徐々にBaidu Musicへとブランド再生をしており、同社のモバイルアプリでもそれを目にできた。「Ting」は中国語で「聞く」という意味で、良い名前のようだし、Baiduもこのより明確な名称の方を好んでいるようだ。そして今日、タイミングとしてはあまりデリケートではないが、この音楽ウェブサイトはその呼称を変更したのである。

nobula English → Japanese
Original Text Prepares to Jump into Indonesian Market

By the end of 2012, Indonesia’s National Family Planning Coordinating Board (BKKBN) predicts that the country will have 245 million people. Obviously this is a promising market for human resources. Global outsourcing online marketplace,, is now preparing its expansion to Indonesia, with an Indonesian version of its website and an upcoming official launch. The manager of Indonesia, Helma Kusuma, wrote in’s mailing list that the company wants to talk to business people as well as those who have been successfully using the service in Indonesia.



2012年末までに、インドネシアの国家家族計画調整委員会(BKKBN)は国内人口が2億4500万人になると予測している。明らかに前途有望な人材市場である。国際アウトソーシング・オンライン市場のFreelancer.comは、現在インドネシアへの拡張の準備中で、インドネシア版のウェブサイトのオフィシャル・ローンチを控えている。Freelancer.comインドネシアのマネージャー、Helma Kusuma氏がFreelancer.comのメーリングリストに記したところによると、同社はビジネス関係者と、インドネシアで同サービスをうまく利用している人々に話をしたいそうである。

nobula English → Japanese
Original Text

Freelancer has open projects for programmers, designers, content writers, and many others. On its website, it claims to have over 4 million freelancers from around the world. They will bid on projects by introducing their skills and payment rates in the hopes of getting by business owners. So far, there have been over 2 million projects on the site.

Collecting inspiring success stories will be a nice introduction when the local site is properly launched soon. Freelancer already connects freelancers globally in over 234 countries and regions. Perhaps Freelancer could even help startup growth in the country.




nobula English → Japanese
Original Text

Though it’s not known if the move is related to this setback, it’s a significant development for China’s most ambitious homegrown smartphone platform. In a memo written by Alibaba founder and CEO Jack Ma that leaked out to media, Ma explains fully:

After two years of hard work mixed with trials, we have seen significant progress in the Aliyun OS business. We have built a strong team and also gained recognition from our business partners. To better safeguard the healthy growth of Aliyun OS business and further implement the [Alibaba] Group’s Aliyun wireless strategy, we need to make adjustments 
in terms of talent, organizational structure and the Group’s resource allocation.


このスピンオフがその大打撃によるものかは分からないのだが、中国のもっとも野心的な国産スマートフォンプラットフォームの大きな進展である。メディアに漏れ出たAlibabaの創設者兼CEOのJack Ma氏によるメモで、Ma氏は次のように説明している。

2年もの間試作と苦労を重ねた結果、私達はAliyun OS事業で大きな進展を見ることとなりました。私達は強力なチームを作り上げたし、私達の事業提携者達にも認められました。Aliyun OS事業の健全な成長をさらに保持するため、そして(Alibaba)グループのAliyunワイヤレス戦略の一層の遂行のため、才能と組織構造とグループの資源配分に関する調整を行う必要があります。