msng4 Translations

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About 10 years ago Male 30s
Japanese (Native) English French
IT Journalism
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
msng4 English → Japanese
Original Text

But all of the data magic happens “behind the curtain.” Consumers don’t see the automated marketing wizard pulling all of the levers. You may sense an advertisement or marketing offer has something to do with your recent browsing or search behavior, but you’ll never see the actual algorithms or business rules that generated it. The lack of transparency in these data-driven marketing scenarios has contributed to the sense that consumers are being stalked by companies. It has inadvertently introduced an unwanted creepiness factor between brands and their customers. Rather than letting data push brands and consumers further apart, how can data bring them closer together?



msng4 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Besides these three insights, there were no fancy charts, just a question — “What will you do this month?” — and a prominent “Listen Now” button. I was intrigued to see data at the heart of this particular email communication. You’ve probably seen LinkedIn’s website do something similar when it shares stats on how many people viewed your profile or how many new people are in your network. In both cases, these companies shared personalized data that their users wouldn’t necessarily have access to. I think they’re onto something that could benefit more businesses.



msng4 English → Japanese
Original Text

Data sharing between companies and their customers isn’t an entirely foreign concept, but it has been primarily reserved for customer-service interactions. I’ve received data-centric alerts from my bank when an account balance was low or my mobile provider when my family was about to exceed its data usage limit. I regularly access account information on various self-service websites where I can scroll through rows of tabular data. In most cases, the data hasn’t been proactively analyzed with valuable insights visualized and packaged up for my benefit. Traditionally, data sharing hasn’t been viewed as a way to strengthen customer relationships or generate a competitive advantage.



msng4 English → Japanese
Original Text

Just like informed marketers make better decisions, so do informed customers. An automobile maker could monitor driving behaviors and share tips on how you could become a better driver (e.g., you rarely use the sixth gear when you should be, which will conserve x% more gas). A software provider such as Adobe could report on which features a user touches, how it compares to other users, and share how-to videos for those areas that aren’t being used. In both cases, the product user is enlightened and the company benefits from the positive halo effect created by proactive data sharing.



msng4 English → Japanese
Original Text

Patent details Google’s ideas for smart home doorknobs, doorbells, wall switches, and more

Google clearly has big ambitions for its Internet-connected Nest and Dropcam hardware. A new patent shows how these gadgets — and a host of other devices — could be tied together into the smart home of the future.

In September 2014, eight months after Google acquired Nest for $3.2 billion and three months after Google’s acquisition of Dropcam for a reported $555 million, several Google employees applied for a patent called “Security Scoring in a Smart-Sensored Home.”

The name is somewhat deceiving, in that it doesn’t mention the more significant technologies addressed in the patent.






msng4 English → Japanese
Original Text

Of course, these technologies, described as they are in a patent application, may never come to market. But it is clear that people inside of Nest are thinking of ways for parent company Google to expand its reach and its market share inside the home.

And it wouldn’t be very surprising to see Google moving toward home security. For one thing, Google in December was close to partnering with ADT, according to a report from Forbes.

The technology in the patent with the greatest potential impact is a “smart doorknob” that comes with a remote-controlled lock. Should Google-owned Nest begin to sell these, they would challenge startups like August as well as more established companies like Kwikset.





msng4 English → Japanese
Original Text

A “smart doorbell” could recognize the person coming toward the door and communicate visual or audio information through some other system.

From there, a “registered mobile device” (a phone or something else) can remotely unlock the door, according to the patent.

“For example, if when inside the home, the occupant receives notice from the smart doorbell 106 that a trusted neighbor is approaching the door, the occupant can use the mobile device 166 to unlock the door so the neighbor can let himself or herself in,” the patent states. “Alternatively, the occupant can speak an audible command instructing the smart doorknob 122 to unlock.”





msng4 English → Japanese
Original Text

The patent also includes two-part Internet-connected “smart entry detectors,” which can be affixed to windows or doors and the walls next to them. These systems can be armed, so they then sense when windows or doors are opened or broken. They can send messages through wireless communication systems like ZigBee.

Additionally, the patent mentions “smart wall switches” for picking up on lighting conditions and dimming lights when necessary, and “smart wall plugs” for controlling fans or air conditioners.

Some or all of these tools could come together and draw on artificial intelligence in a way that goes beyond what, say, the Nest learning thermostat can do.





msng4 English → Japanese
Original Text

From the text of the patent:

“…[A]rtificial intelligence algorithms are capable of making rules-based or learning-based inferences about when the user intends to leave the home based on sensed patterns of user control of smart-home devices, optionally in conjunction with sensed home conditions or other sensed user behaviors. …

By way of example, for one embodiment, one or more of the light switches is configured to process information acquired by home occupancy sensing devices in conjunction with information from light switch control behaviors of the user to predict when the user intends to leave the home.”

Check out the full patent to learn more.






msng4 English → Japanese
Original Text

The 5 things you can’t forget when preparing for M&A

The mobile security company I founded, Location Labs, was recently acquired for $220 million by antivirus company AVG. Although I knew from day one our company might someday be acquired, much of the credit for our success goes to solid guidance. Just because you’ve built a successful business from scratch doesn’t mean you’ll kick it at M&A. It’s a whole new world. What questions aren’t you asking? Whose input have you forgotten to get? Which vital steps aren’t even on your radar? If you’re beginning a similar adventure, or if you’re even just exploring, these are the top five things I advise you to think deeply about before you even put a toe in the water.


