Maria L. (marya2) Translations

ID Unverified
About 12 years ago
Spanish (Native) English Japanese
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
marya2 English → Spanish
Original Text

Surrounding this play, the "forms of love" that each believes in will be confronted...
A heartrending light BL story spinning off of Love Academy, which has grown immensely popular
A scenario writer whose specialty is BL and original music from the sound creator. Beautiful.
The CGs enliven the aesthetic of a world with a play within a play.

[Kanzaki Hikari]

Moulin Academy's school doctor.
He is also working as a normal surgeon at the hospital.
He is an ideal teacher who thinks from the student's perspective and gives advice.
He is trusted by all students, regardless of whether they're male or female.
Quiet and prudent. Sometimes his silences are long when he is recalling something.
He likes theatre-going and plays.


Entorno a esta obra, las "formas del amor" en las que cada uno cree serán enfrentadas...
Una desgarradora historia de amor entre chicos derivada de Academia de Amor, que se ha hecho inmensamente popular.
Un guionista cuya especialidad es el amor entre chicos y música original del compositor. Hermoso.
Los gráficos creados por computador avivan la estética de un mundo con una obra dentro de una obra.

[Hikari Kanzaki]

El doctor de la academia Moulin.
Él también trabaja como un cirujano normal en el hospital.
Es un profesor ideal que piensa desde el punto de vista de los estudiantes y da consejos.
Todos los estudiantes, sean hombres o mujeres, confían en él.
Tranquilo y prudente. A veces sus silencios son extensos cuando está recordando algo.
Le gustan las obras e ir al teatro.