loquita Translations

ID Unverified
Over 14 years ago
English Spanish Japanese (Native) Swedish
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
loquita English → Japanese ★★★☆☆ 3.0
Original Text

And once a guest makes a booking request, the request will be sent to the host. The guest will only be able to make payment after the host accepts the booking. To ensure both parties’ interests are being protected, Indiescapes will hold payment and transfer it after the day-one experience has been delivered. Indiescapes then takes a percentage cut from each successful transaction.

The curated travel marketplace also boasts best-quality listings for its customers, making sure that each host goes through its strict curation procedures which, for some, includes a face-to-face meeting. Co-founder and CEO Seetoh Zhi Min at Indiescapes elaborates on how the team curates content for its users:



またこの精選された旅行市場はその顧客からベストクオリティという評価を受けている。それは即ち各ホストが、時には対面式面接を含む厳格な選別過程を通過していることを示している。Indiscapesの共同設立者であり最高経営責任者のSeetoh Zhi Min氏は、チームが利用者情報をどのように精査しているかを詳説する:

loquita English → Japanese
Original Text

[...] I always had the chance to live like a local and have my friends share insights of their countries with me. Heidi too, [during] her stays and travels, also had the privilege of experiencing countries from very local perspectives.

[And] when we finally returned to Singapore after years of wandering the world independently, many of our friends started asking us for tips on authentic experiences when they travel. [We then] realized that what is easily available on the market is usually the touristy and commercialized stuff. Driven by a common desire to make more prevalent the same kind of authentic experiences that have greatly influenced our world views, Heidi and I started Indiescapes.




loquita English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

This definitely sounds like a good option for an alternative travel experience, especially for wanderlusts like myself. I truly believe one of the best ways to expand your horizons, to show empathy, and to understand another’s culture is to see and experience matters from a local’s perspective.

Indiescape currently focuses on countries within Southeast Asia, such as Vietnam, Thailand, and Indonesia. The experiences currently listed on the site range from $35 for a night life experience in Bangkok to $410 for a three day experience at Khao Sok Park. If you’re a traveler seeking out for local experiences, you might want to check out Indiescapes here.


