lily0219 Translations

ID Unverified
Over 9 years ago Female
English Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
lily0219 English → Japanese
Original Text

I quickly forgot about the app again until sometime in May, I had to pick out a homely yet elegant, mid-range restaurant that served wonderful Italian food. It was one of the few times I had to choose a restaurant for a special occasion, which says a lot about how much I hate patronising unfamiliar places, and I wanted to get it right. Under locations, I picked Gangnam, and sorted the restaurants according to the app’s advanced filters: ratings (instead of ‘personalised’ and ‘review count’), Western, and KRW 20,000 to 30,000. I found myself a list of contenders, from a 5.0 brunch star to another rating-topper selling Spanish cuisine.



lily0219 English → Japanese
Original Text

Reviews on MangoPlate don’t allow you to give the restaurant a score; instead, it lets users choose between ‘Recommend’, ‘It’s OK’ and ‘Do Not Recommend’, and leave reasons and photos to better explain their choice. Users can also see what reviews other users have left in the past, which prove legitimacy; these are not the owners who log in with their Facebook or KakaoTalk accounts in order to leave a glowing ‘Recommend’ review, extolling the restaurant in all possible ways. These are real people leaving an account of their dining experience. These ordinary folks — not Gordon Ramsey or Martha Stewart — have the ability to influence others to visit a restaurant or deny it any sort of patronage.


MangoPlateのレビューは、レストランにスコアをつけることができない。代わりに、ユーザーは「おすすめ」、「まぁまぁ」、「おすすめしない」のどれかを選択でき、より深く説明するために、選択した理由と写真を載せることができる。ユーザーは、他のユーザーが過去にどんなレビューを書いたか確認することができ、それによりレビューが正当なものかわかる。例えば、レストランオーナーが自分の店のレビューの「おすすめ」増やすために、FacebookやKakaoTalkアカウントを使ってログインし、あらゆる方法でレストランの好感度を上げていないかどうか確認できる。これらは、食事の経験を記録に残している本物の人々なのだ。Gordon RamseyやMartha Stewart ではなくて、ただの一般人たちが、他人があるレストランへ行くか行かないかを左右することができるのだ。

lily0219 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

That’s why these startups are doing well despite stormy macro conditions. When oil is cheap, operators have to figure out how to produce it more efficiently. New technologies like these help them do just that. Silicon Valley brains and Houston brawn make for a powerful combination.

Eliot Peper is a writer and consultant based in Oakland, Calif. When he’s not writing, he works with entrepreneurs and investors to build new technology businesses as a drop-in operator and adviser. He has been a founder and early employee at multiple startups and an entrepreneur-in-residence at a venture capital firm..



Eliot Peper氏は、カリフォルニアのオークランドに拠点を置く作家であり、コンサルタントである。彼は執筆作業をしていないときは、たまに立ち寄る経営者兼アドバイザーとして企業家や投資家らと一緒に新しい技術ビジネスの立ち上げに力を入れている。彼は、複数のスタートアップにおいて設立者兼初期従業員であり、あるベンチャー企業において駐在起業家である。

lily0219 English → Japanese
Original Text

In our early days, I developed a marketing campaign that was an amalgamation of dynamic content and data. It ended up being hugely successful and contributed to a decent chunk of our first year revenue. Then, one day, Parker Conrad (Zenefits’ cofounder and CEO) came to me and said, “Great! We’re going to go from three salespeople to 10. Now, we need to scale this campaign. Let’s do every industry. Every vertical.”

I immediately told him there was no way we could scale the campaign because it would require too much data and customization. So instead, I took the easy way out and created a “scaleable” campaign by using pre-baked, non-dynamic content that would work across every industry.


始めの頃に、私はダイナミックなコンテンツとデータを融合したマーケティングキャンペ―ンを企画した。そのキャンペーンは結果、かなりの成功を収め、我々の最初の年間収益に大きく貢献した。それから、ある日、Parker Conrad氏(Zenefitsの共同設立者兼CEO)が、私のところに来て、こう言った。「素晴らしい!3人の営業社員から10人へ増やそう。そして、このキャンペーンを測ってみよう。すべての業界ごとについて測ってみよう。すべての縦ラインについても。」


lily0219 English → Japanese
Original Text

Up north there’s Startup Braga, which has partnered with Microsoft Ventures to focus on pre-acceleration, acceleration, and incubation programs for startups with global growth ambitions.

The Lisbon Challenge is recognized as the fourth most active accelerator program in Europe by Fundacity, promoting growth and internationalization. In just three years, it has sent three alumni to Y Combinator, two alumni to Seedcamp, and one to TechStars. Forty percent of the companies coming out of Lisbon Challenge have secured investment, and one has been acquired.

While it’s impossible to list every innovative and exciting Portuguese startup, I’d like to highlight a few of the hottest to watch for this year:



Lisbon Challengeは、成長と国際化を促し、Fundacityによりヨーロッパで4番目に活動的なアクセラレーター・プログラムとして認識されている。たった3年で、卒業生3人をY Combinatorへ、卒業生2人をSeedcampへ、卒業生1人をTechStarsへ送った。Lisbon Challengeを卒業する会社の40パーセントが、投資を確保し、1社は買収された。


lily0219 English → Japanese
Original Text

Unbabel, is a clever Y Combinator-backed web translation service that combines machine learning and human crowdsourcing. The combination of artificial and human intelligence delivers faster translations with human quality. Businesses are able to use this service by requesting translations via Unbabel’s web order form, email, API, or by integrating it into their daily workflow with Zendesk and Mailchimp. Using machine translation in its service also means huge cost savings. Unbabel estimates it has saved businesses customers $2 million on their translation needs. The Unbabel team takes advantage of its proximity to amazing Lisbon beaches by going surfing every Wednesday!


Unbabel は、優れたY Combinatorが支援するウェブ翻訳サービスで、機械学習とヒューマン・クラウドソーシングを合わせたものである。人工知能と人間の知能の組み合わせにより、人間の質をもつ翻訳をより早く提供することができる。企業は、 Unbabel のウェブ注文書、Eメール、APIを通して翻訳を要求するか又はZendesk 及び Mailchimpを使用して自分たちのワークフローに組み入れることにより、このサービスを利用することができる。機械翻訳の使用により、コストを大幅にカットすることができる。Unbabel は、顧客の翻訳のニーズにおいて200万ドルのコストカットを達成したと評価する。Unbabel チームは、Lisbonビーチが近くにあるので、毎週水曜日は素晴らしいLisbonビーチにサーフィンをしに出かけているのだ!

lily0219 English → Japanese
Original Text

MagniFinance offers a financial management platform for small and medium-sized businesses that makes day-to-day management lighter and financial planning more precise. The service helps companies reduce the time managing their finances to just five minutes a day. In addition to the time savings, this system also automatically synchronizes different bank accounts, allowing businesses to issue invoices, check lists of suppliers, and track expenses and revenues while predicting future values. In 2014, MagniFinance was one of the finalists of the International Acceleration Program Lisbon Challenge and won the Caixa Entrepreneurship Award, receiving an investment of €100,000 from Caixa Capital.


このサービスは、財務管理に費やす時間をわずか1日5分に短縮してくれる。この時間節約に加え、このシステムは異なる銀行口座を自動的に同期することで、請求書やサプライヤーの小切手リストの発行だけでなく、支出や収益の追跡管理と将来価値の予想まで可能にする。2014年に、MagniFinanceは、International Acceleration Program Lisbon Challengeのファイナリストに選出され、Caixa Entrepreneurship賞を受賞し、Caixa Capitalから100,000 ユーロの投資を受けた。

lily0219 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Meet Mapstr, an app for bookmarking all your favorite places

With Apple investing more in its mapping technology, Google continuing to enhance its map-based apps, and Nokia attracting major companies with the proposition of acquiring Here, it’s clear that digital maps play a key part in our digital lives.

With that in mind, Mapstr is looking to capitalize on the existing utility of maps by making them even more useful. The French startup officially launches its iPhone app this week, after a few months as a public beta product. It offers an easy way to bookmark all your favorite places around the world, from parks and museums to relatives’ houses and pubs.





lily0219 English → Japanese
Original Text

It’s worth noting here that Google Maps already has a built-in bookmarking feature that lets you save places to your Google account. But Mapstr has been built specifically for this purpose, and brings new features to the mix.

You can search for places based on your current location, search by name or address, navigate to a specific point on a map, or even snap a photo of an address — Mapstr uses optical character recognition (OCR) to identify the address and let you save it.

Moreover, Mapstr is all about organization. When you save a place to your account, you can add tags such as “parks” or “bars,” and even add comments — this could be useful to remind you why you saved a place.


すでにGoogle Mapsには、自分のGoogleアカウントに場所を保存することのできる内蔵ブックマーク機能があるのだから、それはここでは全く価値がない。しかし、Mapstrは、とりわけこの目的のために、製造され、ミックスに新しい機能をもたらした。

