kskhzm Translations

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Almost 9 years ago
Japanese (Native) English French
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
kskhzm English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

That objective is currently rolling out worldwide, with Apple upping the size of its retail footprint (doubling and tripling some of the existing ones in the process) in order to make space for the boardrooms and educational forums accordingly. Upcoming new openings include a legacy theatre renovation.

Retail isn’t dying, said Ahrendts, but it’s evolving fast and it’s only through focusing on human needs that you can today survive. Apple dedicates 40% of its staff hours to service and support and a third of its square footage, she noted. All of that is aiming to cement the notion of the company being primarily a “human” business.




kskhzm English → Japanese
Original Text

For the trainer, InfoGym allows the creation of workout routines and meal plans for the client. InfoGym launched in late 2014 and have 80,000 end-users and total revenue of S$300,000 (US$214, 868).

It is seeking funding to replicate and scale what it claims is already a proven system in Singapore and Asia.

3. Eventory

Boasting the youngest team of the startups on show, with the trio of Co-founders (Yu Shengkun is CEO, Tong Zhi Heng is COO, and Peng Shensong is CTO) in their early 20s, Eventory is a lead generation platform that matches event organizers, brand managers, and vendors.




3. Eventory

共同創設者トリオは(CEOのYu Shengkun 、COOのTong Zhi Heng,、CTOのPeng Shensong)20代前半であり、最新鋭のスタートアップチームを誇るEventoryは、リードジェネレーションプラットフォームであり、イベントのオーガナイザー、ブランドマネージャーとベンダーをマッチングしている。