koudasaru (koudasaru) Translations

ID Unverified
About 12 years ago
English Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
koudasaru English → Japanese
Original Text

More information about the 1995 wave of data collection can be found in Duncan(1999). In 1995, the sample was administered the Loyola Generativity Scale, developed by McAdams and de St. Aubin(1992). This is a 20-item measure that assesses a participant's conscious concerns with generativity. Items were answered on a 5-point scale. Sample items included "I feel as though my contributions will exist after I die" and "I feel as though I have done nothing of worth to contribute to others" (one of six reverse-scored items). In the current sample, the alpha associated with the 20 items of the Loyola Generativity Scale was .87. The item mean was 3.96.


1995年のデータ集めへの関心の高まりに関するより多くの情報はダンカン(1999年)の中に見ることが出来る。1995年、集められたデータ(標本)はMcAdamsやde St.Aubinによって1992年に開発された「Loyola Generativity Scale(中年期の発達課題であるGenerativityを測定する尺度)」で管理された。これ(Loyola Generativity Scale)は参加者のGenerativityに関する自覚した関心の度合いを評価する20項目の数値化である。各項目は5段階で答えられた。標本項目は「私はあたかも私の貢献が死んだ後も存在するように感じる」や「私はあたかも他人へ貢献するために価値のあることを何もしてこなかったように感じる」(これは6つの「互いに評価が逆になるような項目の対」の一つである)といったものを含む。現在受け入れられている標本では、Loyola Generativity Scaleの20項目に関連した(信頼性係数の推定値としての)アルファ係数は0.87であった。項目の平均は3.96であった。

koudasaru English → Japanese
Original Text

Husbands' characteristics, however, should be related to authoritarianism in specific ways. Although spouses were not surveyed, the women rated their husbands on several traits that included the following four domains: lovingness, masculinity, stability, and wisdom. Given past research showing that collegeaged authoritarian women preferred dating masculine men, we hypothesized a positive relationship between authoritarianism and masculine husbands. However, ther should be a positive relationship between generativity and husbands as loving (which reflects a high level of intimacy) and wise (characteristic of the Erikson stage of integrity).

