keikohwi Translations

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Almost 9 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
keikohwi English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

its intellectual property rights, employing a global team of attorneys and investigators and working closely with law enforcement to bring counterfeiters to justice and protect consumers from fraud. Prohibiting parallel imports is a necessary part of this program.

In case this cancellation of your listings should have been done without foundation we would like to apologize to you and ask for your understanding against the background that HARMAN is committed to protecting - in the interest of its much valued clients- the integrity of its brand/s and products. We ask you to provide us with evidence that you are no commercial seller and your product wasn’t meant to be sold to the European Union.




keikohwi English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

In many of these cases, the founder simply didn’t raise enough to hit the milestones they promised. Product development often takes twice what was anticipated, and many early stage companies simply didn’t have the capital to achieve what they hoped in advance of an A round. In the end, however, the entrepreneur benefits because they usually see a step up in valuation from the first to second seed.

This is also a bit of a semantic shift. The definition of seed funding has remained fairly stable. A rounds used to go to companies that had figured out the basics of their product but had some challenges with monetization, or vice versa. Today, A rounds are increasingly a sort of early growth capital.




keikohwi English → Japanese ★★★☆☆ 3.0
Original Text

South Korea to start testing self-driving cars on roads in Feb 2016

The country is keen to reduce red tape for driverless cars in a bid to stay ahead of its global counterparts

The South Korean government today announced that it will be testing self-driving cars out on the road, starting February 2016, according to the Korea Herald.

This is part of the government’s plan to “develop and commercialise new growth engines that include unmanned aerial vehicles”, says the report.

The trial will take place on a 41-kilometre area on the Seoul-Busan and Incheon-Gangneung expressways. The government has also dedicated 320 kilometres of its national highways for upcoming tests.




Korea Herald によると、韓国政府は本日、2016年2月より自動運転システム搭載の自動車の一般道でのテストドライブを開始すると発表した。

