htto (htto) Translations

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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
htto English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Keeping Stock of a Billion-Dollar Industry on the Rise

For marketers, it’s worth keeping a close eye on peer-to-peer payments through social media. The idea may be new, but there’s potential for massive growth in this space, and the demand continues to grow. As the market moves, which apps will smartly respond and bring brand-friendly capabilities to the table?

Juniper Research expects the number of mobile money transfers to increase by nearly 150 percent in 2015 to more than 13 billion. Venmo is currently experiencing traffic worth nearly $1 billion per quarter. Internationally, China’s WeChat and Alipay saw users engage in more than 3.3 billion peer-to-peer transactions in just six days.




Juniper Reserchは、2015年のモバイル送金の数が約150%増加、つまり13億以上あると見込んでいる。 Venmoでは現在、四半期ごとにほぼ1億米ドルものトラフィックが発生している。世界的に見ると、中国のWeChatとAlipayにおいては、わずか6日の間で33億以上の個人間取引がユーザ間で行われた。

htto English → Japanese
Original Text

With that kind of data behind it, it’d be impossible for social platforms to ignore this growing trend and for currency apps to not expand their offerings. As with all other aspects of social, businesses should find a way to use this new functionality to their full advantage while making all of our lives — or at least paying for our friends’ birthday dinners — a whole lot more convenient.

Andrew Caravella is Vice President of Marketing at Sprout Social. He likes being on airplanes, spinning to the beat at SoulCycle, and Roger Federer. Find him on Twitter @andrewcaravella.



Andrew Caravella氏はSproout Social社のマーケティング担当副社長で、飛行機に乗りながら、SoulCycleのビートに合わせて回転することと、ロジャーフェデラーをこよなく愛している。 Twitterは@andrewcaravellaまで。

htto English → Japanese
Original Text

I figured that Meerkat, which said in May that it had 2 million users, had done a lot to engineer such excitement. So I called up Meerkat cofounder and chief executive Ben Rubin to ask him what sorts of growth hacking techniques the startup had engaged in.

“We didn’t have to do a lot,” Rubin told me.

It was a little shocking, considering that Meerkat and Periscope have the potential to become the next big social media marketing tools, right alongside Facebook and Twitter.

In fact, I’ll be talking about that with Rubin at VentureBeat’s GrowthBeat conference on Monday and Tuesday here in San Francisco. (You can find last-minute tickets here.)





実は、その件については月曜日と火曜日にルービン氏とVentureBeatのGrowthBeatカンファレンスにて話す予定でいる。 (残りわずかだが、チケットはこちらから検索可。)