MenteCommon Maintenance &Repair Applications• Inspection of hard-to-reach areasof mud pumps, hose connections,valves, belts and other equipment• Handling nuts and bolts whenremoving machinery panels orreplacing parts• Degreasing and cleaning smallparts, tools and surfacesNeeds Addressed byMicroflex 93-260• Protection against a wide rangeof chemicals, oils and other toxicsubstances• High level of dexterity andtactility to handle and repairsmall parts• Tough exterior for reliableabrasion resistanceEnd-Benefits• Decreased risk of chemicalexposure• Increased safety• Increased efficiency / productivity
メンテよくあるメンテナンス・補修での活用・泥水ポンプ、ホースの継ぎ目、弁、ベルト、その他の器具の手が届きにくい箇所の点検・機械のパネル取り外しや部品取り換え時のナットやボルトの取り扱い・小さな部品、道具や表面の油分除去、清掃Microflex 93-260が取り組むニーズ・幅広い化学物質、油分、その他の毒性物質からの保護・小さな部品の取り扱い、補修に適した手先の機敏さと触覚性・確かな摩擦耐性をもつしっかりした外面利用者の利益・化学物質への接触の危険性の減少・安全性の向上・効率/生産性の向上
Tough Chemical Protection and Unparalleled Comfort for Lab WorkersUsing delicate instruments like eyedroppers, tweezers and syringes, labresearchers perform tests on potentially hazardous substances each andevery day. Because they may not know the exact chemical compositionof the materials they work with, lab scientists need gloves that protectagainst a range of acids, bases and solvents, while also offering goodtactile sensitivity and dexterity.Common Lab Applications• Transfer of liquids and solids• Blending, filtering andcompounding raw materials• Sample taking and lab processing• Loading & uploading of liquidsand process equipment• Cleaning lab surfaces &equipment