DAICHI MIURA LIVE TOUR 2010 ~GRAVITY~2010年の年末に行われた、全国10公演 約1万人を動員したライブツアー「DAICHI MIURA LIVE 2010~GRAVITY~」が待望のDVD化!スペシャルシークレットゲストとしてBoAも登場した東京公演@ZEPP TOKYOのステージを収録!!
DAICHI MIURA LIVE TOUR 2010 ~GRAVITY~A long-awaited DVD of “DAICHI MIURA LIVE TOUR 2010 ~GRAVITY~”, a live performance tour at the end of 2010, consisting of 10 shows in Japan with an audience of about 10,000 fans, is available!It contains footage that he performed at ZEPP in Tokyo with a special secret guest BoA appearing!!
①Saturn VII. Because of irregularity of the axial rotation period and the axis of rotation, there is no concept of a day.②The largest lake in the world. The north of the Caspian Sea is very shallow with an average depth of 5-6m.③A dwarf planet omitted from a planet of the solar system because it does not meet the definition of planet④The largest island in the world. About more than 80% of the island is covered with ice sheet and perennial snow.⑤The largest basin area in the world. 6516km long. The mouth of the river is about 300km wide.⑥Material things flown by the impact of the collision between the Earth and other celestial objects piled up, forming the Moon in about one month. ⑦Over 97% of the Antarctic Continent is covered with 1000 – 2000 m thick of ice.
①The power station that has the tallest chimney in the world. ②The bridge over Lake Pontchartrain. ③A railway tunnel in Switzerland consisting of two single-track tunnels.④Completed by the U.S. in 1914. ⑤An about 65.5 million-year-old impact crater located in the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico.⑥Jupiter V. Non-spherical mass composed of ices and rocks. The density is low.⑦The Ironman triathlon consists of a swim of 3.8km, a bike ride of 180km and a marathon run of 42.195km. ⑧There is a possibility that Vesta will be classified as a dwarf planet in the future.⑨An about 65.5 million-year-old impact crater located beneath the Indian Ocean west of Mumbai, India.
Love Ballad日本を代表する作曲家、作詞家、ミュージシャンが集結し、May J.の歌声を極限までに突き詰めて創作されたバラード楽曲を集めた史上最高の“Love Ballad”コンセプトのミニ・アルバム。CDには、May J.出演の「プロアクティブ」「OPA西日本」CMのダブル・タイアップ曲『Shine Bright』の“Love Ballad ver.”、「レヴール」とのコラボ商品CMが話題沸騰中の『Eternally』の“Wedding ver.”も収録。
Love BalladWith Japan’s leading composers, songwriters and musicians getting together and May J.’s singing voice pursued to the limit, a collection of ballad songs was created, making it as the mini album with the all-time “Love Ballad” concept.The “Love Ballad ver.” of “Shine Bright”, a tie-up song with two commercials of “Proactiv” and “OPA West Japan”, in which May J. appeared, and the “Wedding ver.” of “Eternally”, a hot song used for a commercial of a product collaborated with Reveur, are included on CD.
更にボーナストラックには、テレビ番組で大きな話題を呼んだ「涙そうそう」のカヴァーや、映画「猟奇的な彼女」の主題歌として大ヒットした「I Believe」をBIGBANGのV.Iとコラボした日本語カヴァーも収録!!
In addition, as bonus tracks, a cover song of “Namida Sou Sou (Tears for you)”, which became famous from a TV show, and in collaboration with BIGBANG’S V.I., a Japanese cover song of “I Believe”, a blockbuster song used as a theme song for movie “My Sassy Girl”, are included!!
Colorsさらなる進化を遂げたLADY POP!! May J. のネクストステージを象徴する渾身のフルアルバム!!!話題騒然! HIP-HOP No.1「Zeebra」×PUNK No.1「難波章浩」との異色のコラボ松尾潔プロデュース・作詞、久保田利伸作曲・コーラスによる注目の「平成 22 年度 NHK 歳末たすけあい・NHK 海外たすけあいイメージソング」KG / WISE 等人気アーティストとのブランニューコラボ!!
ColorsMay J. is a LADY POP, who has further evolved!! This is her challenging full album symbolizing her next stage!!!Everybody is talking about it!HIP-HOP No.1「Zeebra」×PUNK No.1 is a song made in unusual collaboration with Akihiro Nanba.Produced and words by Kiyoshi Matsuo and composed and background chorus by Toshinobu Kubuta, a song in the spotlight, “the theme song for 2010 NHK's Year-End Domestic Charity Campaign and Overseas Charity Drive” is included.There are brand new collaborations with popular artists such as KG / WISE!!
初回限定豪華盤には、当時ayu自身がレコーディング時に書いた手書き歌詞原稿や、浅田真央(フィギュアスケーター)、仲里依紗(女優)、古市憲寿(社会学者)、綾小路翔(氣志團)、宇野維正(音楽ジャーナリスト)、藤井美保(音楽ライター)による『A BEST』ライナーノーツ、アイコニックな“涙”と共に記憶に残るジャケット撮影時の未公開オフショットなど、貴重なコンテンツを収めたアニヴァーサリー・ブックを封入。
The first limited deluxe edition album includes an anniversary book with valuable contents, such as the lyrics script written by YUMI HAMASAKI when she was recording back then, “A BEST” liner notes by Mao Asada (figure skater), Riisa Naka (actress), Noritoshi Furuichi (sociologist), Show Ayanocozey (Kishidan), Koremasa Uno (music journalist) and Miho Fujii (music writer), and the never-before-seen behind-the-scene photos at the time of shooting the unforgettable cover image of the CD along with iconic “tears.”
「Song 4 u」は、11月1日発売のゲーム「テイルズ オブ エクシリア2」のテーマソングに決定しており、9月23日に幕張メッセで開催された“東京ゲームショウ2012”にて楽曲が初解禁された際には、熱狂的なテイルズ・ファンから大歓声で迎えられた。昨年の「progress」に続く「テイルズ オブ」シリーズとのコラボレーションで、壮大な世界観と疾走感溢れる楽曲はまさにファンの期待を裏切らないものとなっている。
“Song 4 u” that is to become a theme song for “Tales of Xillia2”, a game to be released on November 1st, was welcomed by Tales’ fans with loud cheers when the song was first unveiled in “Tokyo Game Show 2012,” which took place on September 23rd at Makuhari Messe. In collaboration with the “Tales of” series followed by “Progress,” the song full of the magnificence of world view and a sense of speed truly lives up to expectations of her fans.
自身初となるフル・オーケストラを従え、全ての曲にリアレンジを施すなど、今までの浜崎あゆみのライヴとは一線を画したあの感動のステージが蘇る。“LIMITED EDITION”と銘打って約2万5,000人を動員、大ヒット・ミニ・アルバム『FIVE』収録曲を全て披露するなどしたさいたまスーパーアリーナでの最終公演を完全収録!!特典映像には、一部公演でのみ披露され斬新なオーケストラ・アレンジが好評だった楽曲群を、ファンからの多数のリクエストに応えて特別収録!!
Drawing a line at other AYUMI HAMASAKI’s live performances in the past, the touching live stage performance in front of a full orchestra for her first time and with arrangement to all the songs comes back.The final performance, called “LIMITED EDITION” at the Saitama Super Arena where she sang all the songs on her smash hit mini album “FIVE” in front of an audience of about 25,000 fans, was fully included!!Bonus footage specially includes songs, requested by many fans, which were sung in the selected performance and were received well for their unconventional orchestra arrangement!!
ファンクラブ投票によって選ばれた人気代表曲7曲に、2012年に発表した新曲「You & Me」「Song 4 u」「Missing」を加えた全10曲をフル・オーケストラ生演奏による本格クラシックにリアレンジ!数多くの劇伴音楽を手がける作曲家・山下康介氏が、若手編曲家を率いて全面監修!“オールタイムベスト”ともいえる名曲の数々が、楽曲本来の良さをさらに引き出した重厚かつ繊細なアレンジで蘇る!
The arrangement by live performance by a full orchestra of ten songs in total, including the seven most popular songs selected by a vote of her fan club members and new songs released in 2012, “You & Me”, “Song 4 u” and “Missing”, was made, turning them into serious classical music!Leading young arrangers, Kousuke Yamashita, a composer who works on a number of theatre music, fully supervised all the songs!Many great songs that could be called “All time best” songs come back by deep and fine arrangement that brings further out the original goodness of the songs!
ライヴならではの迫力あるヴォーカル・パフォーマンス、感極まった歌声など、このCDでしか聴くことのできないayuの「歌」がここにある!日替わりで披露された、ファンから絶大な人気を誇る「Key ~eternal tie ver.~」「teddy bear」の2曲も完全収録し、15周年記念で限定配信された「Tell All」も初パッケージ化!生バンドによる迫力溢れる演奏、一体となったオーディエンスの歓声など、ライヴの醍醐味が詰まったベスト・ライヴ・アルバム!!
Here are AYUMI HAMASAKI’s “songs” that you can listen to only from this CD containing her powerful vocal performance unique to her live stage shows as well as her singing voice with emotion!Performed on different days, enormously popular two songs among her fans, “Key ~Eternal Tie Ver.~” and “Teddy Bear”, are completely included, in addition to “Tell All” released as an online limited-edition for her 15th debut anniversary and now included as its first packaging! Full of the real pleasure of live performances such as powerful music played by a live band and the unified cheers of the audience, this is her best live album!!
国内でのライヴショウでは初採用となる、長さ約6メートルの巨大跳ね上げリフターを複数枚使用した特殊ステージやパフォーマーが命綱無しで挑んだ緊張感溢れる空中ブランコのパフォーマンス、7変化の衣装など、進化し続ける“浜崎あゆみショウ”の見所が満載!さらに、12月発売シングル「Feel the love / Merry-go-round」でコラボレーションしたm-floや、DJ Hello Kittyがサプライズ出演した貴重な映像を納めた永久保存版!!
With a special stage using several huge flip-up lifts, about 6 m long, which have been adopted for the first time for live performances in Japan, the breathtaking flying trapeze performance by an untethered performer, and seven quick-change costumes, the footage is full of highlights of “AYUMI HAMASAKI’s ever-evolving show”!Furthermore, it includes valuable footage of m-flo and DJ Hello who were in collaboration for a single released in December, “Feel the love / Merry-go-round”, making a surprise appearance, and this has to be kept in your permanent collections.
With Mr. Tetsuya Komuro, Mr. Kunio Togo and Mr. Tetsuya Yukumi, a great team of composers who have created a number of great songs, three distinct and yet-to-be-released, new songs, “TK Ballad” “Mainstream Winter Ballad” and “Rock Ballad” respectively, were recorded at once!Her fans’ long-awaited set of three ultimate ballad songs showcasing this winter will be born on Christmas Eve!! Also, a limited edition CD containing a great special bonus track available only for members of “TeamAyu”, her official fan club, is to be simultaneously released to commemorate Christmas Eve as a limited anniversary edition!
①An ameba consists of only one cell and does not have a fixed shape. It multiplies by cell division.②Fine-grained sandstones are geologically categorized into five groups by size. ③An ovum is a reproductive cell, which exists in the female body. It is the largest cell in the human body.④Fog is a condition that develops when the temperature of air with water vapor drops and water vapor condenses into tiny liquid water droplets suspended in the air. ⑤Snow crystals form under conditions of low temperatures, high humidity and mild wind.⑥Tardigrades can live in any environment. It is confirmed by experiment that they are able to live as long as 10 days even in space.⑦There are about 20,000 kinds of ticks in the world. It is said that only ticks have a great diversity equivalent to the diversity of all insects. ⑧Sesamum indicum is an annual plant of the Pedaliaceae family. The savanna region is said to be its place of origin.
Best Album「THE BEST OF AFTERSCHOOL 2009-2012 -Korea Ver.-」2013.03.27 RELEASEAFTERSCHOOLが2009年のデビューから2012年までに韓国でリリースしてきた、数々の楽曲を収録した豪華ベストアルバム発売決定!!チャート1位を獲得した名曲「Because of you」や、最新曲「FLASHBACK」はもちろんのこと、メンバーが4人づつに分かれてリリースしたAS RED、AS BLUEの楽曲も収録。
Best Album「THE BEST OF AFTERSCHOOL 2009-2012 -Korea Ver.-」2013.03.27 RELEASEAFTERSCHOOL’s deluxe best album, which contains songs released in Korea from 2009, the year of their debut, to 2012, is to be on sale!!As well as “Because of you,” the once chart-topping and great song, and the latest song “FLASHBACK,” “AS RED” and “AS BLUE,” which are the songs released and sung by the group members in groups of 4 each, are also included.
また、韓国のセクシーアイコン“ソン・ダンビ”や、デビュー前の“NU'EST”や“HELLO VENUS”のメンバーも参加したチャリティー企画作品“Happy Pledis”の楽曲も含む全13曲を収録。さらに、MUSIC VIDEO 盤には12 曲のMUSIC VIDEOを待望の初商品化!!AFTERSCHOOLの歴史が詰まったマストバイな1枚!日本語歌詞対訳、オリジナルライナーノーツ付き。
It also has 13 songs in total, including “Happy Pledis”, a charity-oriented song sung by Son Dam-bi, a sex symbol in Korea, “NU'EST,” whose members did not make a debut yet back then, and “HELLO VENUS”.Furthermore, a much-anticipated MUSIC VIDEO version with 12 songs has first been commercialized!!This is a must buy item full of the history of AFTERSCHOOL!Song lyrics translated to Japanese and original liner notes come with it.
2014年12月10日(水)発売ニューシングル「Say long goodbye / ヒマワリと星屑 -English Version-」いよいよアジアをまたにかけるアーティストとして、東京女子流が動き出す。6 月に開催された4th JAPAN TOUR以降からだけでも、サンフランシスコ、香港、ベトナム、タイ、台湾と、毎月のように海外でのパフォーマンスが続くなか、半年ぶりのシングルをリリースへ。4 年半のキャリアで平均年齢17 歳のダンス& ボーカルグループ「東京女子流」!
“Say Long Goodbye / Sunflowers and Stardust (the English Version)”, a new single to be released on December 10th, 2014.Now is the time for TOKYO GIRLS' STYLE as an artist active in Asian countries to get rolling.They have performed in San Francisco, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Thailand and Taiwan since the 4th JAPAN TOUR that took place in June, and they will release their first single in six months.“TOKYO GIRLS' STYLE” is a dancing and singing group consisting of group members at the average age of 17 with a 4-year-a-half career!
日本からアジアへ、そして世界へ。国境を感じさせない活動を続ける東京女子流の最新バラードソングをシングル化。大人になってきた5 人のボーカルを魅せる渾身のバラード「Say long goodbye」、そしてサンフランシスコで開催されたイベント「J-POP SUMMIT」 で会場を沸かせた英語詞曲「ヒマワリと星屑 -English Version-」、この両A 面シングルが「TOKYO GIRLS' STYLE」の最前線だ。
From Japan to other Asian countries and to the world.TOKYO GIRLS' STYLE keeping active in multiple countries without making their fans feel the existence of borders will release a single of their latest ballad.Two front-line songs of TOKYO GIRLS' STYLE on the A side of a single are “Say Long Goodbye”, a challenging ballad sung by five vocalists with mature charm, and “Sunflowers and Stardust (the English version), an English song that got the audience at the J-POP SUMMIT event in San Francisco excited.
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