George Tan (george_tan) Translations

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Over 9 years ago Male 30s
Chinese (Traditional) (Native) English Malay Japanese
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
george_tan Chinese (Traditional) → English
Original Text

或者資料庫被入侵,入侵者也可以全部看見。我們費盡心思保護的密碼就這樣輕易被人看光 —  這樣對嗎?


If we have our passwords in our database, wouldn't that means these password can be seen by the person in charge of managing the database? Or, if the database was hacked, it could be revealed completely to the hacker. Of so many efforts we put into protecting our password, only to have it stolen easily. Is this right?
Of course not, that's why we need "encryption".
We use cryptography, a knowledge focus on confidentiality, data transmitting, verification, etc. We process our passwords, encrypt it into ciphers which nobody understands before sending them into the database.
Thus, even if there is a way to view our database, or somebody managed to intercept our data during transmission, they can only see meaningless ciphers that were encrypted, and no way to find out the content.