Fernando Rabago (frabgo) Translations

ID Unverified
Almost 11 years ago
Sonora, Mexico
Spanish (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
frabgo English → Spanish ★★★★☆ 4.5
Original Text

The most stunning part of the Lycian Way are not specific places or ruins but the way you start to get used to life here. It isn't uncommon to spend a few hours with a stranger walking along the trail as they commute home on foot; you are the one visiting after all. The list of stunning views is endless but it's the smaller moments that you remember. A meal shared with a family on the side of the road where conversation is a mix of pantomime and a few shared words. Walking through the olive groves seeing the ripe fruits hanging down on the branches will return to your mind with every olive eaten. Or maybe it's the herds of goats whose ancestors have walked these trails since ancient times.


la parte mas hermosa del camino Lycian no son lugares específicos o ruinas si no la manera en que te acostumbras a la vida en ese lugar. No es raro pasar algunas horas con un extraño caminando por el sendero a medida que viajan a casa a pie, después de todo tu eres el que visita. La lista de hermosas vistas es interminable pero los pequeños momentos son los que recuerdas. Una comida compartida con una familia a un lado de la carretera donde la conversación es una mezcla de pantomima y unas pocas palabras compartidas. Caminando a través de los olivares viendo las frutas maduras que cuelgan en las ramas volverá a tu mente con cada oliva comida. O tal vez sea de los rebaños de cabras, cuyos antepasados ​​han caminado estos senderos desde la antigüedad.