fefi (fefi) Translations

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Over 9 years ago Female 30s
English (Native) Japanese
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
fefi English → Japanese
Original Text

The ascent of Koding follows the appearance of cloud-based IDE startups such as Cloud9 and Nitrous.io. But Koding does more than that — it can allow companies to do remote interviews or have employees in different time zones troubleshoot each other’s code, among other things. That’s because it’s not dependent on one person’s setup. Everything is inside of a virtual machine (VM) that multiple people can work on together.

But that’s not to say developers can’t use their preferred IDEs and text editors to write code. They can. “You can use Sublime and coding at same time,” Yasar said. “When you get stuck, come back to the browser and collaborate with your code.”


Kodingは、クラウドベースのIDEで開発スピードアップするために$ 10Mを取得します

Koding 、開発者はすぐにコードの記述とデバッグを開始することができるクラウドベースの統合開発環境を構築したスタートアップが、今日の資金の千万ドルラウンドを発表しました。


Koding 、 Devrim Yasar 、共同ファウンダー、スタートアップのCEO(最高経営責任者)で「あなたは5分のコードの最初の行を記述することができるようになります」 、インタビューでVentureBeatのを語りました。