countom Translations

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Almost 10 years ago Female
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
countom Japanese → English
Original Text






Once the game is started, you cannot turn over the pieces to check what it was.

When all pieces are placed you can start playing after removing the paper.

Proceed by taking one action from the list below:

1) Turn over your piece facing the back. (now it is facing the front)
(※When you choose to deal with a space where you have multiple pieces, turn over the piece on the top (to make it front). You cannot turn over the piece placed under the top piece.

2) Move the piece facing front. However, you cannot move to a space where your pieces are already there.
When you move to a space where opponent's piece is facing front, it means you have attacked the other, so remove their piece from the board. (Don't remove the King)