永田克也 (chousan40) Translations

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Over 10 years ago Male 50s
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
chousan40 English → Japanese
Original Text

At multiple lengths up to 8 feet, the modular CarryOn Jib packs up to a compact 22 inches, going anywhere your projects take you.

Deciding which film gear to travel with can feel a lot like trying to decide which family member to leave behind – an often impossible decision to make. Whether you are going overseas or trekking into a local wildlife park, without a multi-person crew you’ll have no choice but to limit yourself and perhaps sacrifice that one perfect shot. Camera cranes are one of those unique pieces of equipment that can turn an okay video into a great one. The high-reaching arm lets you capture dynamic and captivating shots.


22インチのコンパクトサイズから8フィートまで、自在の長さに延ばすことができる可動式のCarry On Jibは、あなたが計画する何処にでもお伴します。

どのカメラ機材を旅行に持っていくかーこれはしばし、家族の誰を置き去りにして旅行するか、という位、あり得ない重い判断ですね。海外旅行でも、地方のキャンプ地への旅でも、万能の相棒がいなければ、自分が画像に収まることを断念するか、自分の手による会心の写真をあきらめるしかありません。Camera craneは、まあまあの画像を、立派な作品にと仕立てる唯一の機材です。高いところまで届くアームは、ダイナミックで魅惑的な撮影を、あなた自身で撮ることを実現しますよ。

chousan40 English → Japanese
Original Text

Letv Sports Lands US$128M Funding Led by China’s Top Two Billionaires

Letv Sports, the sports affiliate of Chinese online video streamer Leshi Internet Information & Technology Corp., has raised a hefty 800 million yuan (US$128.8 million) Series A funding, valuing the video-streaming business at 2.8 billion yuan (around US$451.1 million).

This round went through A and A+ periods, luring investments from two of the richest men in China. Wanda Investment, the venture capital fund supported by Chinese billionaire Wang Jianlin, leads in period A, and Alibaba’s Jack Ma-backed Yunfeng Capital leads in A+ financing, followed by Fortune Link, Prometheus Capital and funding from numerous individuals.


Letv Sports Lands に中国の2人の億万長者が出資

Letv Sports〈中国オンラインビデオ販売Leshi Internet Information Technology社のスポーツ関係系列会社〉は、ビデオストリーミングビジネスの市場規模を28億元た(約4億5110万米ドル)と見積もり8億元(1億2880万米ドル相当)のランクAに増資した。

この結果AとA+期間に、中国の最も裕福な2人から投資を呼び込んだ。Wanda Investment、中国の億万長者Wang Jianlin氏がスポンサーのベンチャー・キャピタルが期間Aを引っ張り
、Yunfeng キャピタルを後ろ盾とするAlibaba社のJack Ma氏が、期間A+に続いた。さらにFortune Link, Prometheus Capital、および多くの個人投資家が続いた。