Callum Ward-Smith (callumwardsmith)

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Almost 4 years ago Male 30s
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Journalism [Japanese ≫ English]

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暴言の嵐「敗者は国民」 討論会









Translated text

“The Loser Is Us” Says America After Trainwreck Presidential Debate.

“How you doing, man?”

“How are you doing first?”

“I’m well.”

The night began with an exchange of pleasantries; however, the civil back and forth between the two presidential candidates was short-lived.

The opening question was about Trump’s controversial nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the U.S. Supreme Court, which led Biden onto the topic of attempted reforms to the Affordable Health Care Act by the current government. The president defended his stance, in turn claiming that Biden wants to “extinguish” private healthcare in favor of “socialist medicine”.

“That is simply a lie” Biden replied, before Trump expanded on his accusation a few minutes later by adding that his opponent “agreed with Bernie Sanders who is far-left".

“I’m not here to call out his lies, everybody knows he’s a liar” Biden responded, to which the rather flushed looking president clapped back “No. You’re the liar”.

This first exchange set the tone for a debate in which Trump would repeatedly speak over his opponent. At one point, as Biden was discussing trade negotiations with China, the president also brought up unproven claims that Hunter Biden, the former vice president’s son, had received $3.5 million dollars from Russia.

The incumbent president is currently down in the polls, however, instead of focusing on his achievements in office to date, his tactic on the night appeared to be to try and tarnish Biden’s reputation by labelling him as a friend of the radical left. These baseless accusations only undermined the integrity of the debate.

The moderator in charge of the debate was Fox News’ Chris Wallace, a station which has been kind to Trump during his tenure, however, the president struggled during a one-on-one interview with Wallace recently in which many of his claims were scrutinized by the straight-talking news anchor. Throughout this debate too, Wallace tried to be tough with Trump and repeatedly called on him to stop interrupting, saying at various points:

“You’ve agreed to the two minutes, so please let him have it.” “Mr. President, let him answer!” “Mr. President, please stop.” But the president turned a deaf ear to the requests.

Meanwhile, Biden refused to play Trump’s game, allowing him to rant and responding to many of his outlandish comments with nothing more than a bemused grin. Instead, the democratic candidate spoke more to the voters, including one moment where he turned to the camera and addressed the viewers at home directly.

However, the repeated interruptions clearly rattled the former vice president at times, most notably when, after further accusations about his supposed ties to the radical left, an exasperated Biden said, “Will you just shut up, man.”

“You are the worst president America has ever had.” “It's hard to get any word in with this clown.”, he also hit back a short-time later, becoming more combative as the night went on. The cutting exchanges between the two candidates left a bitter aftertaste once all was done and dusted.