Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from English to Spanish ] If you do not receive your order item within 40 days (30 days for EMS) after ...

Original Texts
If you do not receive your order item within 40 days (30 days for EMS) after we ship it out from our warehouse, we will refund full amount to you though Amazon.
In this case, even you receive your item later on, you do not need to send back the item to us.
However, if you request us to refund, and if you receive the item within 40 days after we ship it out, you need to refuse to receive your package from a postman or need to send it back to us.
※If you refuse to receive the item from a postman, you do not need to pay for the extra return shipping cost and the package will automatically return to us.
※ If you receive your package, you need to pay for the return shipping cost and please return it to us.
Translated by ljdiaz
Si usted no recibe el articulo que ordeno dentro de 40 dias (30 dias para EMS) despues de haberlo enviado de nuestro almacen, procederemos a reembolsar la cantidad total a usted atravez de Amazon.
En este caso, aun si usted rebie su articulo mas adelante, usted no necesita enviarnos el articulo de vuelta.
Sin embargo, si usted solicita un reembolso y si usted recibe el articulo dentro de 40 dias despues de enviado, ustED NECESItA RENUNCIAR A REVCIBIR SU PAQUEt POR PARtE D3EL EMPLEADO DE CORREOS, O NECESItA ENVIARNOSLO DE VUELtA. a
. sI UStED NO ACEtA RECIBIR EL ARtICULO POR PARtE DEL EMPLEADO DE CORREO, NO NECESItA PAGAR PEXtRA POR costos de envio de reembolso y el paquete sera automaticamente devuelto a nosotros.
. Si usted recibe el paquete necesita pagar por el reembolso y por favor devuelvanoslo.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Spanish
Translation Fee
Translation Time
14 minutes
ljdiaz ljdiaz