Simple Tasks & Others / Other

English to Indonesian Translation Check

Order Details

Please review 2 articles that have been translated from English to Indonesian (about the length of 800 to 1,000 letters in Japanese), and rate the translated work on a scale of 1 to 10; 10 being the highest. There is no need to edit or correct the work at this time, just evaluate and provide your feedback.
We will pay 500 yen/two articles. For those who show high skills, there is a possibility we will continue to offer additional projects.
*Anyone who can understand Japanese will be hired with priority.

If there are many errors in the work and there is a need for edit, we will make the additional request with an additional fee which is to be discussed.
Required Translator Languages
English → Indonesian
Articles will be sent in a Word document format. Please evaluate and send your feedback through chat.
Payment Timing
Immediately after verification


17 Mar 2016 at 16:15
Completion Deadline
Application Deadline
Under 500 yen
Maximum Applicants
1–10 People

Accepting Other Other Requests

New Arrival Requests

English → Indonesian
10K yen–100K yen
Application Deadline about 1 month later
English → Indonesian
10K yen–100K yen
Application Deadline about 1 month later
English → Indonesian
Application Deadline 15 days later
English → Indonesian
Application Deadline 26 days later

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