I can help with anything related to writing in general. I am most confident in doing English to Tagalog translations and vice-versa.

Contact Freelancer
$5.00 per hour
Writing / General Writing
English → Tagalog Tagalog → English Japanese → English
I'm passionate, quality-oriented, and I am confident that I could deliver the product you need.
I edited and translated a questionnaire made by students from Tokyo University for a community outreach project way back in 2019.
Weekdays, from 9 AM to 8 PM, GMT+8

aldrin_sandagon's Profile

ID Unverified
About 3 years ago
Tagalog English Japanese

I'm Aldrin Sandagon. I'm currently a graduate student at Ateneo de Manila University, majoring in Japanese Studies.
Being in graduate school, doing research and writing are my main strengths.

I am versed in three languages: English, Filipino, and Japanese.

For more insight on what I do, feel free to visit my blog at www.dorimonogatari.com
