I'm a trilingual English Indonesian Interpreter Translator.

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1,100 yen per hour
Translation & Localization / Translation
Indonesian → Japanese Indonesian → English English → Japanese Senior English → Indonesian Japanese → Indonesian Japanese → English
I can give translation services for various fields, such as IT, IR-marketing, financial business (funding-lending, credit risk review, debt-collection, etc), legal, accounting, risk management, etc. But my specialty is in internal control (internal audit, risk management) and legal.
Few times, I had successfully coordinated IR presentation material translation which must be translated urgently (tight deadlines).
I'm usually online on Western Indonesia Time UTC+7 Saturday 11.00 ~ 14:00

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Over 12 years ago
Indonesian (native) English Japanese
Banking Literature
日本とインドネシアのコミュニケーションの架け橋の機能を果たして、 通訳と翻訳をしています。

I have 2 years working experience as an inhouse interpreter translator in the banking industry. I've many experiences as interpreter in audit related fields, so I have an understanding in internal control. Other than that, I've had some experiences translating&/interpreting in various fields, such as IT, IR-marketing, financial business (funding-lending, credit risk review, debt-collection, etc), legal, accounting, risk management, etc.

2 years in Christian full-time training made me understand Christian bible truth contexts and vocabularies. During 2 years in full-time training, I often helped to translate some Christian literatures as part of the service. I also did many interpreting (simultaneous) for bible truth classes and consecutive interpreting for fellowship among the foreign trainers and local trainees.