ジャンル不問 英語→日本語翻訳

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300 yen per hour
Translation & Localization / Translation
English → Japanese
初心者故に翻訳の練習をしたいと思っております。激安交渉可能 1時間あたり300円を希望してますが更に安値でも大丈夫です!

naguration's Profile

ID Unverified
Over 3 years ago
English Japanese
目指すは英検準1級合格 TOEICハイスコア!

Hello there, it's Nagura. I'm beginner of translation from Japan. My dream is to be able to speak English enjoyably and to write correctly.
To do that, I want to study it harder than before. now I work in Airport about exportation so I need English skills for step-up.
Try something good for myself! please let me know if my English is wrong. I want to know whether it is ok or not! Thank you!