I can translate anything for you! :)

Contact Freelancer
$2.00 per hour
Translation & Localization / Translation
English → Spanish Spanish → English
I've been speaking english and spanish fluently for over 10+ years, I can easily translate anything for you! ;)
The last translation job I worked on was a children's storybook, about 20 pages long. It was fun :) But I've translated many other essays and papers.
I'm usually available most of the time, so contact me if you're interested and I will try to respond asap ;)

karol_m's Profile

ID Unverified
Almost 4 years ago
Spanish English
Music Science Culture fashion Arts Literature Beauty and Cosmetics Biology Food/Recipe/Menu Gaming Hospitals and Healthcare Human Resources Product Descriptions Publishing/Press Release Travel
I love translating, I've been doing it my entire life and I'm really good at it!