If you need to translate any kind of text from English to Spanish language, please contact me.

Contact Freelancer
$10.00 per hour
Tech & Programming / Other
English → Spanish English → French Spanish → English Spanish → French
I specialize in translating texts on social issues such as culture, visual art and English for Business, also voice memos and the "slangs".
If you have any doubts about your resumé in the Spanish language you may need my help, I can guide you to create it as Latin American employers usually request.
I have excellent spelling and writing in Spanish, I can also make articles, reviews and essays about any subject mentioned above.
Hope to help you!
I have a BA in Marketing by Escuela Bancaria y Comercial (Mexico City) , I studied English language in Simon Fraser University (Burnaby, Canada) I also speak french (Université de Strasbourg, Alsace, France) and am currently a full-time bilingual assistant.
12:00hrs-20:00hrs (CST)

monsy05oltra_mex's Profile

ID Unverified
Over 8 years ago
Spanish English French
I have a BA in Marketing by Escuela Bancaria y Comercial (Mexico City) , I studied English language in Simon Fraser University (Burnaby, Canada) I also speak french (Université de Strasbourg, Alsace, France) and am currently a full-time bilingual assistant.