
Contact Freelancer
1,000 yen per hour
Translation & Localization / Translation
English → Japanese
動画視聴可能時間: 平日夜、休日終日

shota_shibuya's Profile

ID Verified
About 4 years ago
Japanese (native) English French Chinese (Simplified)
12 hours / week
This is shota SHIBUYA.

I have been passionate about studying languages since my childhood, and I learned more than 6 foreign languages through my experience in exchanging foreign students in the university and working in France for 2 years after my graduation (and the current work in a foreign based company in Japan).

I've got some experience in localisation of PC games such as Toho Project, from Japanese to French and English in a volunteer group from Belgium.
English is currently the main language for my work at the moment.

Following are my languages available:
- Japanese / Native
- French / Business
- English / Business
- Spanish / Fluent
- Chinese / Intermediate
- Italian / Read and write
- Portuguese / Read and write

Thank you for your attention.