Can I help you with a translation what you need into Russian?

Contact Freelancer
$2.00 per hour
Translation & Localization / Translation
I'm a beginner freelancer & always open to help with your task if I can do it
I have a diploma of an English teacher for kids of 4-15 years old
I am usually online all days daily time 09.00 a.m. to 21.00 p.m. by Russian time. Of course sometimes I am busy, then I will reply when I can

danafreelancer2020's Profile

ID Unverified
About 4 years ago
Hello! I'm Dana, a beginner freelancer! I want to work here very much & I am ready to help you with everything what I can do! I can translate your text from English into Russian or English/Russian! Everything will depend on the complexity of the task and the timing of execution! Ok, I will be glad to cooperate with you!