I can and I would very much like to help you with any kind of thematic translation from English to Portuguese.

Contact Freelancer
$5.00 per hour
Simple Tasks & Others / Other
Portuguese (Portugal)
I love any type of language and I would like to expand my knowledge so I can be able to talk with anyone! I deal with people from all over the world in a big city where everyone is mixed. Although the main common language is English, many foreigns want to learn Portuguese and it is always a pleasure to help them. I am also a good portuguese writer since I was a child, with the right words most of the times. It would be a pleasure to help to translate to my native language. Thank you.
I am used to talk to foreign costumers on my daily job but most of the day I work in a backoffice analysing and updating the database in a big company, always in English terms. Unfortunately I gain the minimum Portuguese wage which is kind of low and doesn't correspond to what you have to spend daily basis.
10:00 - 14:00 (JST) Monday to Sunday

dancingbanana's Profile

ID Unverified
Over 8 years ago
Portuguese (Portugal) English
This is an amazing project, a good use of the Internet. Happy to be a part of the comunity.