Professional English-Spanish Translator/Transcriptionist/Subtitler

Contact Freelancer
$15.00 per hour
Simple Tasks & Others / Other
English → Spanish Spanish → English French → Spanish
I have been working for almost 10 years as a translator, transcriptionist and subtitler for the English-Spanish language pair. My mastery of the English language was accomplished because I have always worked with foreign companies and clients. Furthermore, I am a native Spanish speaker and proficient in two other languages (French and German, although for the latter I have never translated professionally). I have visited over 30 countries and lived in 3 different Latin American countries for a period of time.
I have wide experience with worldwide and well-known companies such as MTV International, Medialocate, and other major clients, as well as individuals and small and medium enterprises. My clients have varied from a one-time customer that only requires a specific outcome to clients that require long-term collaborations; most notably in my case was MTV's project "Voices", for which I was the official English-Spanish translator (for Latin America and also for Spain) for over 3 years, while the project was running. Additionally, I used to write short stories from a Latin American point of view that had to do with entrepreneurship among youngsters, culture shock, environmental and health awareness, and a wide variety of topics, not related to music and/or entertainment.
I usually work from 8 AM (U.S. EST time) until 6 PM (U.S. EST time), for clients around the world (in places such as Europe, Dubai, Australia and Japan), I can be available at night as well. It all depends on the projects that I would be working on at the moment.