Localizing SEM, PPC advertising

Contact Freelancer
$15.00 per hour
Simple Tasks & Others / Other
English → Spanish French → Spanish German → Spanish
I localize your PPC advertising to any Spanish-speaking country.

I can translate and localize SEM/Adwords Ads, adapting them to different Spanish speaking markets. I have done this work for companies like Pergo, MacKeeper and Sony. I know how to respect Google's guidelines of style and length (never had one ad rejected), and I'm capable of creating appealing CTAs.
Any time.

fingerless23's Profile

ID Unverified
Almost 9 years ago
Spanish English French German
Hi, I'm an experienced Spanish translator from Spain, who provides quality translation in the following pairs:
English to Spanish
French to Spanish
German to Spanish

In addition to my background in translation, I have a Bachelor Degree in Business Administration, so I can translate expertly any text related to finance (Forex, academic writing), marketing (SEO: research and injection; SEM: localization and translation of ads), app content (translation of IU content, metadata and Google Play/Apple Store)

I’ve been proofreading human and machine translation for Lionbridge and eBay.

I have worked for companies like Amazon, eBay, WordReference, Mathway, Sony and Pergo; and apps like Disco Fingers, BitGym, Travayl, Avis and McKeeper.

I can work within any new computer system or software, including translating through code (HTML, XML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, Python, Poedit and others). I own Trados Suite 2011, Photoshop and Microsoft Office Suite 2013.

Please, find my CV attached.