I can teach you Japanese as a native English speaker!

Contact Freelancer
1,500 yen per hour
Translation & Localization / Language Lessons
English → Japanese
As a native English speaker, I am able to accurately and thoroughly explain Japanese concepts such as vocabulary, kanji and especially grammar in native English in order to help you get the best understanding of the material. Just tell me what you want to learn and I'll do my best to accommodate for that.

tangopie's Profile

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Over 4 years ago
English Japanese
私はTango Pieです。 個人で 日本語 ⇒ 英語 の翻訳をやってるオーストラリア人です。 漫画 、ゲーム、ノベルなどのローカリゼーションの翻訳家となるように頑張ってます!

