I specialize in teaching english and spanish Languages

Contact Freelancer
$8.00 per hour
Translation & Localization / Language Lessons
Spanish → English English → Spanish
My Covering Letter
My name is David Alexander Vargas Loreto. I am 32 years old. I currently live in Venezuela, my country of origin but with a view to work abroad. I want to work specifically in the area of English language teaching, which is where I worked all my life. I have work experience of more than ten (10) years. I handle the English language perfectly, at all levels. In addition, I handle other languages such as French and Portuguese. I have extensive knowledge of Office 2010 and other Windows programs. I handle social networks perfectly and I am even very skilled in using web resources as part of teaching English. I currently work as an English teacher in my country, in a government institution.
I have worked as a legal translator in a Judge Instance of my town. I have been teaching english and spanish for about 15 years.
Monday to Friday from 07:00 a.m to 10:00 pm (JST)

elteacher16's Profile

ID Unverified
Over 5 years ago
Spanish English
I am an english teacher who also is specialized in translating legal and basic documents from English into Spanish and viceversa, I have been working with translations for about 8 years in my country. I also have worked with live interpretations from English into Spanish.