Please let me know when you need assistance on explaining Japanese pachinko/slot in English

Contact Freelancer
3,000 yen per hour
Writing / Article Writing & Editing
English → Japanese Japanese → English
I have interest on the business that to expand Japanese pachinko/slot industry to inbound customers.
Please let me know if anybody want me to write up article or direct explain on those Japanese traditional amusement.
(Price negotiable)
Did advice work at pachinko/slot shop for how to tell foreign customer that how to play pachinko.

makoto_n's Profile

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About 8 years ago
Japanese English
I have three year of educational experience at US, and more than eight years of work experience including one year of work at Singapore and seven years of using English.
I also have basic knowledge about network, IT infrastructure, and several years of experience at global contact center management.
As previous job, I was working for global sales and done that read through 200 pages of multiple RFP(Request for Proposal), translate part of those from English to Japanese, and share that to the team.
Also created proposal and succeed multiple contract between consulting firm on EU.
Currently, as I had got interest on coming IR on Japan and getting educated about IT/Casino industry and Japanese amusement culture especially on "風営法" and pachinko industry.