Professional subtitling and translation between Japanese and English

Contact Freelancer
$10.00 per hour
Photography, Video, Music / Subtitling
Standard Japanese → English English → Japanese
As of so far I have worked primarily translating Japanese television and between English and Japanese there is a huge wall of cultural differences that is very difficult to overcome. Having lived in Japan for two years and being very intimate with the culture I fell I have the skills necessary to provide not simply a nonsensical literal translation, but a translation that conveys the original meaning.
I have translated both Japanese dramas and Japanese animation, with a wide breadth of language challenges between childrens language and murder mysteries.
7:00 - 23:00 Arizona time

nokingsanders's Profile

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Almost 5 years ago
English (native) Japanese
Gaming Culture
I am a professional translator between the Japanese and English languages. I have been studying the Japanese language for over six years now and spent the last two years in Japan performing various unofficial interpretations and translations. I specialize in Japanese culture and media, subtitling, localization, and other fields of translation and interpretation.