Translate youtube videos ( English to Arabic or Vice Versa )

Contact Freelancer
$2.00 per hour
Translation & Localization / Translation
English → Arabic Arabic → English
If you have a video on youtube and want to translate it , talking about history , maths , theories , feel free to ask me
If you have a video on youtube and want to translate it , talking about history , maths , theories , feel free to ask me
Feel free to contact me at anytime you like

_black9hunter_'s Profile

ID Unverified
About 5 years ago
Arabic English French
Hello there , I am a normale dude who happens to be quite good with both Arabic and English , if you want me to translate something for you , feel free to contact me .

I like watching anime and reading manga too , like Black Clover and Smaurai 8
I like video games too and learning about history