English/Japanes/Bisaya Translation

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500 yen per hour
Translation & Localization / Translation
English → Japanese Japanese → English Tagalog → Japanese Tagalog → English English → Tagalog Japanese → Tagalog
I am a native Cebuano who lived and studied in Japan for 8years. I can speak, read and write both English, Japanese and Bisaya.
I translated documents in a company for 3 years and on top of that, I experienced interpreting jobs as well so I can say that I can translate accurately and thus; a good quality.
I worked as a Jap-Eng/Eng-Jap translator for 3 different companies.

marga's Profile

ID Unverified
About 5 years ago
Japanese English Tagalog

Good day!
I'm a Filipino citizen who grew up in Japan and have been working in my hometown as a translator for 3 years.
Looking forward to doing business with you.
Have a pleasant day!