Hi! I do translations for any non-official documents, or long documents. Animals, tourism, nature, sports, science, culture and current events are my specialties and passions, but there's always room to learn more!

Contact Freelancer
$19.00 per hour
Translation & Localization / Translation
Spanish → English Spanish → French English → Spanish English → French French → Spanish
I enjoy every article, documentary, novel, news I read, It is an opportunity to obtain more knowledge. I focus on doing an accurate job and absorbing all available information out there!
I am Venezuelan, translate documents about animals, nature, general contents, culture, current events, tourism, history, various texts. Fast and good quality!
Contact from 10 am to 8 pm Canadian Eastern Time, Monday through Sunday.

alvaro_2019's Profile

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Over 5 years ago
Spanish English French
Hi there! I am a 38 years old Venezuelan living in Montreal, Canada, since 2011. My mother language is Spanish, learnt English when I was 8 years old, I lived in Florida, United States for over two years. Then took an English private course for two years to reinforce what I learnt. I learnt French here in the province of Quebec (Quebec City and Montreal); took French lessons for over 4 months at Cégep de Sainte-Foy and since then, I have improved it on a daily basis while communicating in everyday activities. I enjoy translating mostly journalism, since generally, it is about up to date news, and I like to be aware of what happens worldwide. I enjoy good and deep political posts and interviews, and always look for both sides of the story. I am an animal lover, I can make very good translations about nature, since it is actually my passion! I am here to offer you a serious, professional and fast delivery work of translation. Hope to hear from you soon, have a great day!