I specialize in translating medical documents (from Japanese to English)

Contact Freelancer
$7.00 per hour
Simple Tasks & Others / Other
Japanese → English Vietnamese → English English → Vietnamese Japanese → Vietnamese
I'm very interested in medical fiend and have had nearly 2 years in translating medical field.
I have translated over 300 medical documents.
10:00-20:00 (JST)

noumivi_83's Profile

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Over 8 years ago
Vietnamese English Japanese Chinese (Simplified)
Travel Culture
I'm a Vietnamese lady who is currently living in Phoenix, AZ. From 2007-2009, I worked as a professional translator of Vietnamese and English.

In 2011, I finished the program of M.A. degree, specialized in English Linguists (distinction) at Curtin Univeristy, Perth, Australia.

In 2012, I got a scholarship to study Mandarin (traditional) at National Central University, Taoyuan, Taiwan and passed the level 3 of TOCFL (high distinction).

Two years later, I passed the HSKK (HSK speaking test) of advanced level at Confucius Institute in Nashville city, Tennessee. So far, I have passed N2 and kept learning for N1.

I'm proud of my language ability and would like to work as a professional translator. I'm looking forwards to cooperating with you in the coming time.