Websites translations from English to Spanish.

Contact Freelancer
$10.00 per hour
Simple Tasks & Others / Other
English → Spanish Spanish → English
Don't let your website be an automatic google translated site. Let me translate it to an excellent grammar Spanish and your visitors won't have difficulty at understanding the content.
I can translate from English to a easy to understand Spanish.
Excellent spelling and Grammar.
Extensive knowledge of modern terms.
Also i can translate to English from Spanish.
If the job requires more time, i won't charge more than 6 hours per day ($60 maximum a day).
If you need to create a website, also i can do it for an additional price.
07:00 - 21:00 (UTC -05:00) Monday - Sunday

pipeserr's Profile

ID Verified
About 10 years ago
Spanish English
30 hours / week
I'm from Colombia, i'm 30, medical doctor, love music, medicine and animals. Excellent grammar and spelling for translations, specially from English to Spanish.