Translation experience in areas such as literature, information technology and marketing

Contact Freelancer
$15.00 per hour
Simple Tasks & Others / Other
Standard English → Portuguese (Brazil)
In addition to the chance of developing an autonomous activity, which allows me to set my own schedule, I see in the translation work the possibility of practising the writing ability, which helps the improvement of language and vocabulary skills.
Professional experience:
- System development coordinator – (1984 – 1997)
- Professor in Information System courses (1997 – 2011)
- Translator (since 2008)
Main works as translator:
- Translation of promotional marketing materials and system projects for translation agencies (Bemtraduz and Just Traduções)
- Books:
- Arrowsmith (Sinclair Lewis) – Editora Manole
- Contos de Edgar Allan Poe – Editora Manole (in production)
- Karl Marx: um personagem do século XIX (Jonathan Sperber) – Editora Manole
- As esposas: as mulheres nos bastidores da vida e da obra de prodígios da literatura russa (Alexandra Popoff) – Editora Manole
- O Violinista e Outras Histórias (Herman Melville) - Arte e Letra Editora
- O Estranho Caso do Dr. Jekyll e Sr. Hyde (Robert L. Stevenson) - Arte e Letra Editora
10:00 AM to 7:00 PM (Monday - Friday)

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